Day 14 - Taking Care Of The Other When They're Sick - Zolana

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I've always wanted to write a sick fic so heere we are.

Tw: attempted stabbing with a spoon

Also college AU I guess? Also ft. Sincerely Three because I'm trash.


Too put it nicely, Alana wasn't the nicest person when she was sick. It was like she was personality swapped with senior year Connor. The polite calm and collected Alana was replaced with a sorta "look at me the wrong way and I'll gouge your eyes out with a spork" type thing.

There was only one person who could be safe from the spot eye gouging. Zoe. Alana's girlfriend of 3 years.

Literally no one other than Zoe was safe. So when she got really pissed it was another rip roaring round of "can Zoe Murpy get Alana Beck in the car and back to their dorm before Alana kills someone or something?".

"Hey Lana you good Zoe said-" Jared was cut off by Alana reaching over the table and trying to stab Jared with her spoon. "Jesus fucking Christ woman I just wanna help!"

Connor and Zoe were having a conversation about life, gay and other stuff. They both heard Jared scream and they had pretty much the same thought. "Oh fuck my sister's girlfriend is trying to stab one of my boyfriends with a spoon." On Connor's end, and "Oh shit my girlfriend is trying to stab one of my brother's boyfriends." with Zoe.

So both Jared and Alana were shouted at the same time as Zoe ran to take the spoon from Alana and Connor ran to make sure Jared wasn't hurt. Evan was there too so Jared was being fussed over by both boys as Zoe let everyone know she was gonna take Alana back to their dorm.

Alba fell asleep on the car ride back to their dorm. So Zoe had to carry her inside. Such meant both opening and shutting doors with her foot. (Dont ask how. She doesn't even know how. Thank God they forgot to lock the door.)

When Alana woke up Zoe brought her some soup and the just cuddled the rest of the night.

All was good and well until Zoe started sniffling.

And Zoe was 10 jillion times worse than Alana when she got sick.

She was shabby and clingy.


Might wrote a part 2 later.

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