Day 19 - Formal Gathering/Party - Pinkberry

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It's late I know but I'm leaking blood so I have an excuse. And I have to be up before 8 soo....


Royalty AU

tw: standard cursing and shit


Chloe was beyond sick of her parents. Hosting a party for her to find a man to marry. Completely disregarding the fact that she had said she would have much rather a woman. Of course,  Chloe had left out the tiny detail that she was romantically involved with one of the maids in the place, Brooke.

Seeing as she was supposed to be attempting to court some of these dudes she couldn't exactly be lovey-dovey with Brooke. That ended up being scrapped by the end of the night though.

Some of the Princes shared her woes. She danced with a prince who was in love with the red-clad Captin of the Guards in his kingdom, she danced with a fairly attractive prince who was interested in a rather short common boy, one with long hair who wanted to be with the boy who worked in the garden.

She had heard it all.


Broke wasn't normally a jealous person. Yet there was something burning inside her watching Chloe dance with all those men. She just wanted it to be her. But she knew it couldn't be her.

Chloe had seen Brooke's jealousy and decided it was time the two danced together.

"Excuse me miss," Chloe had started after approaching Brooke, "I couldn't help notice that you were trying to catch my eye from the side of the ballroom. Care to dance?" Chloe extended her hand.

Brooke rolled her eyes still taking Chloe's hand, "Really Chlo? Out of all the musical love song references you had to chose Helpless?"

"Ok look I was trying to be smooth and it was the first one that came to mind. Now shut up." Brooke laughed as she was being dragged off to the center of the ballroom.

As the two had started dancing Chloe's father had tried to intervene. Before he could, Chloe had kissed Brooke and flipped him off.


The next two prompts shall be continuing this story. However, the 21 will go off into other ships but in the same world/storyline-

You'll just see.

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