Day 15 - "But You Love Me Anyway" - Lams

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Off of DEH finally. Tomorrow will be BMC. So like. Yeah. This is the first prompt I've missed. I was too tired last night to finish it.

Tw: idfk at this point, burning food ig? Do I need to put that?


As soon as John walked in the house he regretted not banning Alex from the kitchen. Alexander stood on a chair fanning the fire alarm with the windows open. The room smelt of smoke.

John sighed. "We've talked about this. Please, for the love of God, stop trying to make food when I'm not home or not physically present to ensure you don't burn something."

"Ok but in my defense-"

"No defense. Ya burned food and set off the fire alarms. That is literally what happened. You can't pretend like it didn't." 

Alex sheepishly grinned as he got down from the chair. "Ok, but you love me anyway."

"That I do."


Yeah this prompt wasn't really speaking to me. Oh well.

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