Day 24 - Gifting Something Cute/Dumb - Sincerely Three

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I tried so fucking hard for dumb and I couldn't think of anything so cute it is.


Jared was never the greatest at giving people gifts. He was actually the worst at it out of the three of them. It's not that he didn't care or anything like that he was just too paranoid that whoever got the gift would think it was weird or think it was stupid or something like that.

And despite their constant reassurance that it didn't matter and they wouldn't judge him, the two people Jared was most terrified of judgment from were Evan and Connor.

He stared at the items in the front seat of his car. "Jesus Kleinman get it together." He never normally gave himself a pep talk but he was letting his insecurities show and was trying to get them under control. Fuck off and let him live.

Now as Jared was having an existential crisis Evan was freaking about because "Connor, Jared was supposed to be here like half an hour ago. Is he dead? OH SPRUCE! What if he got in a car accident?"

All the while Connor was trying to calm Evan down.


"What if he's standing us up?"


"What if he's sick and dying?"



"You're spiraling."

"Ok but-"

Conor pressed his lips softly to Evan's to shut him up.

"Look if you're that worried I can text him, or call him, or something?"

Connor opened up their group chat called "Main Bitches". It changed frequently but Jared was the last to change it. The prior name for it was "Side Hoes" but that freaked Evan out so he changed it.

420 Blaze It: yo gay wad

420 Blaze It: u be freaking the bab out

420 Blaze It: the fuck u b @

Da Bab: Connor be nice

Da Bab: but ye

Da Bab: Where are you?

Jared felt his phone vibrate and knew that it was the "Where are you Ev's freaking out" texts. This is what he gets for half-hour-long pep talks

The Divine Threesome: i was stuck in traffic

The Divine Threesome: should b there in a few

He felt bad lying but it hurt his pride to admit he was scared to give his boyfriends gifts for no reason. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself.

Anyways, now that the author is kinda over building up emotional angst within Jared for whenever they feel like writing angst, Jared made it to Evan's house. They met up there most of the time because Heidi wasn't home super often and he got lonely.

Evan practically ran outside the second Jared's car pulled up. Connor gave Jared the "Look I tried but he was convinced you were dead" look from the doorway. He also went to go great Jared he just didn't run.

As Jared got out of the car he was practically tackle hugged back into the car by Evan who then proceeded to pepper his face with kisses.

After he managed to push Evan off so he could stand up he said "Ok ok ok. I missed you too."

"Evan let him breathe. We can't love him if he's dead," Connor Grabbed Jared's hand and pulled him out of the car. "Hey Kleinman what's that?" Jared died inside as he knew the gifts had been spotted.

"Umm..." There was no going back now. He grabbed the notebook first and gave it to Connor. "So like I got this because you like to doodle and shit and Ev," he grabbed the Bonsai tree that was vibing in the front seat and handed it to Evan. "Yeah so it's like stupid and I-"

"Jared stop talking." This was a different tone of voice Connor had never used around neither Evan or Jared before. It wasn't like mad or dissapointed. It was more like a stern dad ish tone. His expression was blank and unreadable.

"Con you ok?"

"Jared why would it be stupid that you did something to show us how much you love us?"

Jared was taken a back a bit by his words. "I-"

"You an I might make fun of each other in a non malicious way sometimes because that's just our dynamic. But it's never really meant. It's bit like we would tell you it's stupid or something like that."

They stood there in Evan's driveway with a slight tension in the air. Shortly after Cibbirs speech Evan mumbled a "holy fern".

The tension, especially between Jared and Connor, was becoming too much for Evan so he said he was gonna go inside and make something to eat.

After Evan left Connor leaned in an whispered "I don't know what your mind tells you, and I know we haven't always been on the beat terms, but believe me when I say this. I fucking love you Jared Klienman. I know Evan does too. I don't want to hurt you. Besides I think it's cute. Cute's a good look on you darling. You should wear it more often." And with that Connor strode away into the house leaving a flustered mess of a Jared in Evan's driveway.

"Holy shit he's smooth."


This went from ok this is fine, to oh might sepreatly post this, to actually no, to maybe, to yas to the ending.

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