Day 13 - Hickies - Sincerely Three

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Be having a DEH hype huh?

Anyways. The prompt has been taunting me since day one. I am going to write it and I have an idea revolving around hickies but I'm not gonna write the receiving and giving of hickies.

Kay we cool? We are. Ok so-

Gonna stop myself.

Tw: heavily implied sexual content/doing the fucky wucky. (I hate that as much as you do)


Evan stood there staring at his neck. How it got this bad is an interesting story.


Evan really loved Connor and all the amazing things he could do with his body. And all the amazing things he could do to Evan's.

The only downside was that everytime Connor left his mark. And they were dark. Probably as dark as Connor claimed his soul to be.

Evan had got up that morning and went to go brush his teeth. He was still half asleep and when he first glanced up at his reflection he didn't notice anything odd. But when he looked again he noticed about a dozen hickies on his neck. He nearly choked on his toothpaste.

"Hey babe come're a sec."

Connor dragged his butt out of bed rather saltly. "What?"

Evan pointed to his neck.

Connor smirked. "Damn I done good." He walked over admiring his work.

"Connie I have to go to school like this. This isn't a 'damn I done good' moment," Evan was still genuinely concerned with his neck while Madline the Junior be slutting it up.

"You can borrow my hoodie," Connor offered walking off to get dressed.


Jared stood by his locker and waited for his boyfriends to show up. Once he saw them coming down the hallway he knew something was up. Connor only let either of them where his hoodie unless they had a panic attack, a break down, were sick, or they were out on a date and Connor was doing the boyfriend thing like the straight dudes do in those shitty romance movies.

He Connor always texts him if Evan has a panic attack or a break down, Evan didn't look or sound sick, and this was school. This was not a date. And if it was it was the shittiest date ever can Jared was glad it wasn't him.

"Wassa Kleinman?" Connor asked as the two approached. He kissed Jared good morning because it was a thing the three of them did.

"Hey babe now Evan why do you have Connor's hoodie exactly?"

Evan blushed and Connor pulled back the fabric slightly to reveal the hickies.

"Damn Con you done good!" Jared remarked kinda shocked.

"That's what I was but then Ev was like "no I have to go to school like this' so I gave him my hoodie."

"I am right here," Evan tried his best to sound pissed but failed miserably.

"Well I've gotta go. Later babes," Connor saluted as he walked off.

Jared leaned in and whispered "He did good but I can garentee you I can do 10x better" in Evan's ear. He then walked off in the other direction leaving a blushing fluster mess of an Evan in his wake.


So yea. That's why Evan's neck is now covered in hickies and he's just staring at it and hoping he can manage to sneak his mom's foundation without being caught and the  being given a lecture about how they should be using protection and all that good shit.


I made this complicated but I don't give two fucks.

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