Day 8 - Wearing Each Other's Clothes - Boardwalk Bros

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Did I mention that I love them and I have no self-control? (If not this it was gonna be treebros.)

tw: michael owns too many hoodies


Everyone knows Michael's iconic hoodie. You know the one. The red one with the patches that gave us the "Oh shit we know he gay now" moment with the gay pride patch durring the Broadway revival?

Yeah. That one.

What most people (and most being literally no one but Michael's moms and boyfriends) don't know is that Michael owns shit tons if other hoodies.

Like the ones his boyfriends are chilling on his basement floor in. Like the ones that went missing months ago.

He had a hunch that his boyfriends had been stealing them after he let them go through his closet and the realisation hit them that Michael owned more than just the red hoodie.

"Since when do you own this many hoodies babe?" Jake asked while still flicking though, getting Rich's and Jeremy's attention.

Michael looked up from his phone. "Oh since like ever. Normally wear them when I'm at home. The iconic one," he gestured to the red one he was wearing, "is for outside with the deadly radiation sky laser."

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Extra hoe. But the fact that I practically live here half the time and I wasn't aware of this many hoodies loving in your closet makes me feel stupid. Like I knew you wore like 2 others at home but like damn."

After that after literally any of them stayed the night there would be a missing hoodie.

And now they were there. On the floor. With his boyfriends wearing them.

"Jesus Christ you.guys if you wanted my clothes you coulda just asked."


I'm late by 2 minuets and it's shit. LET THE WORLD BURN.

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