Chapter 7

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     You turned around to see Ron standing behind you. You saw the sad look in his eyes and instantly felt terrible.

"Oh, um. Hey Ron" you said, awkwardly 

"Hey, uh, I have this necklace for you that mom wanted you to have. Carol said you'd be here, and you are, so, here." he said handing you the box, then walking away right after. You turned around to face Carl and opened the box

"Oh, my God. It's so pretty you said. Can you help me?" you asked, handing him the necklace. He put it on you and spun you around. 

"Now, where were we?" he asked leaning in. You pulled away

"Carl, I can't. What about Ron?"

"Yeah, what about Ron?" he scoffed

"I think he likes me and I just-"

"I like you, y/n" he said

"You  do?"

"Yes, of course I do"

"But, Ron. He likes me, and I just can't choose-"

     You were cut off by Carl kissing you. This time, it was rough. 

"Does Ron kiss you like that?" he asked, when he pulled away

"We uh, we haven't kissed yet"

"See? I'm better"


"You two ready to go?" you heard Maggie yell

"Yeah!" you said, walking away from Carl

"You just saved my ass" you whispered to her when you got close enough

"I knew I would" she giggled "You looked to be in a sticky situation"

"Trust me, I was" you said "Is Rick ready?" 

"Nope. I just said that so you could get away" she chuckled

"Fair enough" you said giggling "Do you think I have time to talk to Ron before we head out?"

"Go get your guy" she said

     You ran to Ron's house and knocked on the door. Pete answered it

"What?" he said, very rudely

"I need to see Ron, excuse me" you said pushing your way through him

"He's in his room" he said as you walked away from him

"K, shut up" you said, completely unafraid of what he might do

"Hey! Watch-" he was cut off by you walking up to him and shoving your middle finger in his face

"Shut up, and leave me alone" you said. 

     You then turned around and walked upstairs. You knocked on the door that had the letters "R-O-N" on it 

"What" he said, almost as rudely as his dad

"We need to talk"

"About what?"  he asked "Carl swallowing your face?" he said sarcastically

"No" you said plainly "Well, yes but still" you added "Can I just come in"

He stood there just staring at you looking highly annoyed

"Pretty please?" you asked 

"Ugh, fine" he huffed. You walked inside and sat on his bed

"Okay, listen. I didn't kiss Carl,  Carl kissed me. Yes, I kissed back but it wasn't like that. I mean, it was. But, Ugh I don't know" you sighed "I didn't mean to kiss him back, it just happened. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings"

"Did it mean anything?" he asked


"The kiss. Did it mean anything to you?" 

"Of course it meant something or I wouldn't have kissed back" you scoffed. 

"Does this mean anything?" he said leaning down and kissing you, roughly. You kissed back with lots of hesitation. More hesitation than you had with Carl's kiss.. This kiss felt different. You couldn't  tell if it was a good different or a bad different.

This part may trigger some people so just a warning. I'll write 'warning over' in bold letters in case you wanna skip to there

"Ron, stop" you said as he continued to kiss you "Ron get off of me" you said as he slid his hand up your thigh. He continued the forced kissing and started biting your bottom lip "Ow Ron" you said "stop, get off" you said pushing him, but he pushed himself against you harder

"No" he said against your lips

"Ron, please" you whined "stop"

"Do that again" he growled "I like that"

"Get" you said pushing him "Off" you said, pushing harder "Of me!" you shouted pushing him all the way off of you 

warning over

     You stood up and walked to the door 

"I guess it runs in the family" you mumbled turning back, looking at him, then storming out of the house

     You began walking down the street and saw Carl. You desperately turned the street corner, not knowing where you were going, you just didn't want to see either of those boys right now. You heard his footsteps behind you and began to walk faster, then, the miracle happened. You saw Michonne and Maggie talking to Daryl

"Hey guys!" you shouted, running over to them "You guys about ready? I want to get out of here as soon as possible"

"Yeah, we're waiting on Rick. Why? you alright kid?" Daryl asked

"Yeah, it's just boy problems"

"Carl again?" Maggie asked, looking behind you to see Carl walking towards you

"No, I-its Ron. He tried to get in my pants-"

"I'll kick his ass" Daryl cut you off

"Kick who's ass?" Carl asked walking up to you guys

"Oh,  no one" you said "just a joke, so... who's gonna go get Rick because I'm growing impatient" you giggled

"I'll go get him" Carl said, walking away

When he got far enough away, Michonne started asking questions

"What did he do to you, y/n?"

"Who? Ron or Carl?" you asked

"What the hell did Carl do?" Daryl asked, concern clear in his voice

"Nothing bad, he didn't hurt me"

"Is that blood on your lip?" Maggie asked wiping her finger across your chin

"Ron?" Michonne asked

"Yeah, he kinda forced himself on me, but don't freak out! I'm fine, and his back probably hurts because I had to push him off of me, but don't worry about it. Everything's fine"

"Little prick" Daryl spits "I oughta give him a bloody lip  with my fist for doin that to you" he growled

"Daryl, I'm fine. This isn't the first time something like this has happened to me, I know how to handle it"

"What-" Daryl said, getting cut off by Rick shouting your way

"Everyone ready?" he asked, Carl following behind him

"You're the one we've been waiting on" you giggled at him

You couldn't help but notice Carl staring at your lip. Oh no you thought he knows

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