"No, no!" you screamed "Stop!"
Its been three days since they took him. You haven't eaten, you haven't slept, hell, you've hardly left his room. They said they'd bring him back next time. When will next time be? As you sat with your thoughts, you heard the rattling of the front gates opening. It didn't even occur to you that it was the Saviors until you heard their god awful trucks. Carl.
You ran down the stairs and into the street. You continued running until you got to the front gate to be met with Negan and Carl. Who looked to be unharmed and safe
"Carl" you whispered. You ran towards him until you couldn't anymore. Your bodies crashed, and Carl's arms wrapped around your waist, yours around his neck. You took in his scent, the one you've missed over the passed days.
"Oh, god y/n. I missed you so much" he whispered. You pulled away from him and looked to Negan, giving him a death glare.
"Hey, don't get mad at me. I didn't even hurt the boy" he said, raising his hands in surrender. Instead of responding, you looked to Carl and leaned in to kiss him. The kiss lasted several seconds, before you both pulled away.
Negan took Carl back to the Grimes house with Judith and Olivia to "'make dinner." Meanwhile, you stayed behind and made sure the other Saviors that came didn't do anything stupid. Soon you were all gathered in the middle of town, and Spencer and Negan were playing pool in the street. Spencer was trying to convince Negan that he'd be a better leader. He wouldn't. Chandler and Olivia stood on the porch, and you stood in the street next to Rosita.
"You know what I'm thinkin?" Negan asked "Cause I have a guess. It's because you got no guts" he whispered, jamming a knife into his stomach. Everyone gasped from shock. You never really cared for Spencer, so this didn't affect you much, but it was still rather shocking. He then moved the knife, and his guts came spilling out as he fell to the ground
"How embarrassing" Negan said "There they are. They were inside you the whole time, you did have guts! I've never been so wrong in my whole life! Now, someone oughta get up here and clean this mess up." he said, everyone stayed silent "Oh. Anyone wanna finish the game?" he said, smirking, pointing Lucille up and waving her around "C'mon" you could see Rosita getting antsy, like she wanted to kill him. And of course, we've all wanted to kill him. But in this moment, Rosita was gone. "Anybody? Anybody?" he repeated "C'mon" he said eagerly "I was winning!" Before he could say or do anything else, Rosita pulled out a hand gun, and fired it at him.
Sadly, instead of hitting him, it hit Lucille. What was about to happen, scared the hell out of you.
"Shit!" Negan yelled "What the shit!" one of Negan's people pinned Rosita to the ground "Shit! You just- you tried to kill me?! You shot Lucille!" he screamed
"She got in the way" Rosita said plainly, a knife pinned against her neck. You wanted to chuckle, but you knew now was not the time. Everyone began to panic as Negan paced around. You looked at Carl who was looking straight at you. You gave him a nod, and he returned one. You mouthed 'I love you' to him, just in case, and he did the same.
"What is this?" Negan asked angrily, picking up the bullet shell "What is this?" he repeated "This little bad boy made from scratch? Look at those crimps. This was homemade. You may be stupid, darlin', but you showed some real ingenuity here. Arat, move the knife up out on that girl's face" he said
"Lucille's beautiful, smooth surface is never gonna look the same, so why should yours?!" he yelled "Unless, unless you tell me who made this.""It was me" she said "I made it."
"You see, now I just think you're lying. And you lying to me now?! Such a shame. Arat's gonna have to cut up that pretty face. One more try."
"It was me" she said, leaning up to make the knife pierce her skin.
"Oh!" Negan chuckled "You are such a badass! Fine. Have it your way. Arat... Kill somebody" he said. Your stomach twisted in every direction. Not him. Don't kill him.
"No! It was me!" Rosita yelled as Arat grabbed her gun "No!" Arat turned and faced Carl and Olivia, and fired her gun. You had a mini heart attack until Carl remained standing, but Olivia was dead on the ground.
"We had an agreement!" Rick said, walking up to Negan
"Rick!" Negan said hoarsely "Look, everybody, it's Rick! Ah, your people are making me lose my voice doin' all this yelling" he said "Rick, how about a 'thank you'?" he said "I mean look, I know we started this relationship with the holy shit out of your friends, and because of that, we're never gonna sit around and braid each other's hair or share our deepest, darkest secrets, how about a little credit? I just bent over backwards to show you how reasonable I am." he said (I'm gonna skip the part where he talks about Carl killing his men since this isn't part of my story) "I brought your kid home safe and sound, and, I fed him spaghetti" he said "Another one of your people- well, he wanted me to kill you and put him in charge. I took him out... for you. And another one, here- she shot Lucille, trying to kill me just now, so I gave you one less mouth to feed. And by looking at her- that mouth did some major damage" you gasped at how cruel his words were "Now, personally, I wouldn't have picked her to be the one to go, but Arat" he sighed "I don't know- didn't trust her."'
"Your shit's waiting for you at the gate" Rick said "Just go"
"Sure thing, Rick" Negan said "right after I find the guy or gal that made this bullet. Arat?"
"It was me!" Tara yelled, as Arat pointed the gun at Aron, who was bleeding and beaten up
"No" Eugene sobbed "it wasn't. It was me. It was only me."
"You?" Negan questioned, Eugene began to talk all sciency and confusing "Shut up" Negan said, rather calmly "I believe you" Negan breathed in deeply, walking away "Lucille, give me strength" he said, holding his eyes closed. How ridiculous. It's a bat. Not a person. "I'm gonna be relieving you of your bullet maker, Rick- that and whatever you left for me at the front gate. And however much you scavenged, its not good enough, because you're still in a serious, serious hole after today. Let's move out!" Negan yelled. Rosita began to scream as they took hold of Eugene, and you had to hold her back
"Rick, I ain't gonna lie- your kitchen, is a ***damn mess. I'll see ya next time" Negan chuckled
You held Rosita as she cried, and Spencer same back. You nodded to Rick, and he killed him
"shh" you hushed her "It's gonna be alright. We'll get him back" you said
After a while, Rosita finally calmed down. You walked back into the house with Carl
"They took our beds" you huffed, making a bed on the floor
"That's okay, how are you feeling? Your stitches and everything?" he asked, holding on to your waist.
"Fine. Michonne's been taking care of me" you said, laying your head on his chest
"Well" he said, locking the door "Now, it's my turn to take care of you" he smirked, laying you down on the makeshift bed
Let's just say, your day after that, was pretty great.
hey guys i'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. ive been working on my chandler riggs imagine book, so go check that out. I have like thirteen parts out so far. love you guys and thanks for reading!

It's a Love Story ~carl grimes book~
FanfictionWhen y/n is rescued by Nicholas from a walker eating her mother, she is brought to a camp, and runs into two boys, both equally adorable, who will she choose in the end? Carl? or Ron? don't let the title fool you.... p.s. this is gonna be a whack ti...