Chapter 8

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You couldn't help but notice Carl staring at your lip. Oh no you thought he knows

     You all began walking down the street outside the gates of Alexandria and were talking amongst yourselves. Daryl and Rick were leading the way, then Carl and Michonne behind them, and you and Maggie at the end of the line

"So, are you okay? Ya know, from Ron?" Maggie asked. Your eyes were focused on Carl and Michonne as they looked to be  having a very serious conversation

"Yeah, he didn't hurt me" you said. Just as you said that Rick and Daryl stopped, and motioned for everyone to get down and hide.

     You, Maggie, Michonne, and Carl ran to the side of the road and hid behind some abandoned cars. You and Carl got stuck together. You didn't even bother looking at him at this point. You could feel him looking at you though

"Hey, um" he stuttered "Michonne told me what Ron did"

"Of course she did" you scoffed. You honestly weren't upset about it at all. You were kinda happy she told

"Listen, I'm really pissed at him for treating you like that, but, if that's what you want, I'll respect it. I'm just sorry you're falling for that dickhead" he said

"Thanks, Carl. It means a lot, but I don't know how I feel about him right now. I'm upset at him, but I'm kinda in a sticky situation between the two of you. You both like me, and you've both kissed me today, and I  just don't know what to do at this  point" you whispered

"Yeah, I understand. I'm sorry, by the way" 

"For what?" you asked

"Putting you in that sticky situation"

"Carl, it's fine-"

"Okay, it's clear!" you heard Rick yell

     You stepped out from behind the car and began walking. But now, you were walking alone with everyone in front of you. All of a sudden, you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and there was the tip of a gun being held against your temple

"Um, guys?" you choked out, trying to be scared, but you just weren't. You weren't really feeling anything, kinda like when Pete harassed you, you felt nothing, only anger

Carl's pov

"Um, guys" I heard y/n say from behind me. I turned around and my mood completely changed. I went from kinda happy, to pissed. There was a bigger guy, holding a gun to her head

"Y/n" I whispered

"Give me everything you have, or the girl dies" he growled

"Get off of her" I growled back. I noticed her slide her hand down her leg and grab her knife out of it's holster. She looked me in the eyes, as if asking my permission, I nodded my head but before she had the chance to stab him in the eye, an arrow shot straight through his face, and she was free. She ran into Daryl's arms, since he saved her. Then she walked over to me, and hugged me lightly, yet I squeezed. I just love her so much. Wow... I love her

Your pov

Rick walked over to you after you pulled away from your hug with Carl

"Are you alright?" he asked looking you over

"Yeah, my chest kinda hurts though, he squeezed really hard when Daryl shot him"

"Let me see" Maggie said walking over to you, and pulling your shirt down slightly, revealing a tad of cleavage and a huge bruise. You could feel Carl's eyes on you, though you couldn't tell what part he was staring at. Your cleavage, or your bruise.

"Holy shit" Daryl said

"It's fine" you said, pulling your shirt back up. You walked over to the guy that Daryl shot and took his gun, and whatever else he had on him "asshole" you mumbled, and grabbed Daryl's arrow. "Here" you said, handing  him the arrow, continuing to walk in front of everyone, as they stared at you "So, are you all just gonna stand there or are you gonna move you happy asses along?" you asked, turning around walking backwards, facing them

"You heard the girl" Rick said chuckling, as they all followed behind you. Soon, Carl caught up to you, and you were walking side by side

"So" he said "Have you ever killed anyone? Because back there, it looked like you knew what you were doing"

"No, I've never killed anyone"

"Really? How old were you when this all started? Like, 13? And now you're fifteen, and you've survived without having to take a living person's life?"

"Yes, Carl. Really. I've never had to shoot a live person in the head, and considering I barely know how to work a gun, that's a good thing. I've never had to stab anyone in the face. I've never had to strangle anybody. I've gotten by just fine without having to murder anyone"

"I'm sorry, did I offend you?" he asked, sarcastically

"Nope" you scoffed

"Did Glenn ever ask you the questions?" he asked

"What questions?" you asked, very curiously

"Dad, no one asked y/n the questions" Carl said, turning to face his dad

"What the hell are the questions?" you asked

"Ask her" Rick said. Carl turned back to you

"How many walkers have you killed?"

"Like, a lot" you said

"How many people have you killed?" 

"I just told you, none"


"I can't. I would break" you said "So, why do you ask these questions?"

"Well, I'm not really sure. We just ask everyone we accept into the group, but usually it's before we accept them" he chuckled

"Yeah, that might be smart" you giggled back. You continued walking and gathered some supplies then headed back to Alexandria. When you got there, you said your goodbyes to Rick and the rest of the group

"Goodnight, Carl" you said

"Goodnight" he smiled at you, and grabbed your hand "Hey, if you need anything, you know where to find me. If Ron tries anything-"

"Carl, I'll come find you if I need anything. Don't you worry a pretty little hair on your head" you giggled, walking away, slowly taking your hand out of his. You began walking home, feeling Carl's eyes on you until you turned the street corner. When you arrived to your house, you walked on the porch and saw someone sitting on your porch swing

"I'm so sorry" they mumbled

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