Chapter 24

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"I can't believe they did this to you" he said

"Baby, I'm fine" you assured him

"no, you're not. Just look at you. You're all bruised and beaten up, I should've been there earlier. I-I could've saved you from this"

"Carl! This is not your fault! Quit beating yourself up about it" you said, rather loudly. He nodded. You sat up slowly, trying not to hurt yourself even more. "Can you hand me a rag, please?" you asked. Carl handed you a blue rag with dozens of tiny holes in it "Thank you" you said, Carl nodded. You put a drop of soap on it and gently rubbed it into your wounded torso. You washed all the blood off and watched as the water turned from crystal clear, to bloody, and murky. "Will you help me wash my face, please?" you asked "I can't exactly see where the cuts are" you giggled

"Of course" he said, taking the rag from your hand. He gently rubbed away all your pain. You winced as he hit the source of the blood loss. "Sorry, princess" he said

"It's okay, you didn't mean to"

"Still" he smiled. He finished cleaning you up, and helped you out of the tub. He wrapped you up in a towel  and sat you on the counter "You need stitches"

"Seriously? Why can't we just patch it up and pretend it didn't happen?"

"I'll go get Michonne, she can do it better than me" he chuckled, walking out of the bathroom. A few moments later, Carl returned with Michonne following 

"They really got you good" she said, pulling the sewing kit from behind the mirror.

"Yeah, kinda" you giggled

"This is gonna hurt. Like, bad" Michonne said, getting the needle lined up with your cheek. Carl grabbed your hand and you began to squeeze as you felt the sharp needle pierce your skin

"Shit" you hissed as Michonne continued to run the needle and thread through your skin.

"Almost done" she whispered, tying it off and cutting the extra thread off.

"She has more on her torso" Carl tattled

"Really, Carl?" you huffed "At least let me go get dressed"

"Hurry" Michonne said "The longer we wait, the more chance it has of getting infected"

"Come on" Carl said, grabbing your hand, helping you off the counter. You walked slowly to Carl's bedroom. He got you your bra and slipped it on, hooking it rather easily. You slipped on your underwear. Carl gave you the flannel he was wearing and buttoned it for you. You walked back to the bathroom to find Michonne waiting patiently with her evil needle and thread. 

"Can we go downstairs?" Michonne asked "You could lay down, it makes things easier" she added. You let out a smug look as you drug your feet across the tile, leading to the hardwood floors. You ever so carefully trudged down the stairs. 

"Lay down" Carl said, rearranging the pillows on the couch to make things more comfortable for you. You laid down slowly adjusting yourself. Michonne unbuttoned the bottom few buttons of your shirt

"Ready?" she asked 

"Nope, but just get it over with" Carl grabbed your hand as you said these words. Michonne sunk the needle into your bruised skin, and trust me, it hurt like a BITCH. You winced and squeezed Carl's hand.

"You're gonna break my hand" Carl laughed

"You better hope I never have kids" you breathed, trying to talk through the pain. It felt like an eternity before Michonne finally tied the thread to the final stitch.

"Done!" she said accomplished.

"Finally" you relieved. Carl buttoned up your shirt and pulled you off the couch ever so gently, treating you like an explosive that could burst at any moment

"Lets get you to bed" he said, walking towards the stairs with you glued to his hip. You made it up to Carl's room and he gently laid you down and wrapped you up in the comforter. He walked around the bed and crawled in beside you "Can I put my hand here?" he asked, hovering his arm over your torso. You nodded and he gently laid his arm around your pained stomach.

"I love you" you mumbled, nuzzling into the side of his arm

"I love you too" was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep

     You awoke to Carl peppering kisses all over your face 

"Good morning, princess" he said

"mmmgood morningmmm" you hummed, wrapping your arms around him loosely

"We need to get up and clean your stitches" he said 

"Whyyyyy?" you huffed

"Because it could get infecteddddd" he held out

"Whatever" you sighed getting out off bed slowly 

"Do you feel better than you did yesterday?" he asked

"A little" you said, putting on a pair of his sleeping pants and walking to the bathroom. 

    You sat on the counter and unbuttoned your shirt as you waited for Carl to come clean your wounds. He soon trudged into the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of peroxide and a rag. He poured the bubbly liquid onto the cloth and pressed it to your stitch. It stung for a moment, but soon enough, the pain dispersed itself, and you were all cleaned up. 

     You and Carl headed downstairs to find an empty house

"Where is everyone?" you asked

"I'm not sure, lets go look" he said, walking out of the house after slipping on his boots. You slipped on a pair of tennis shoes and followed him. 

     You walked outside to find everyone gone. You walked to the front gate to see none other than Negan, taunting Rick. Carl shoved you behind him, not wanting Negan to see you.

"Dad, I thought we had more time" he said, drawing attention to himself

"We missed ya too much, kid!" Negan said "Who's that behind you? Ohhh, it's y/n?"

"Leave her alone" Carl said 

"Carl, I'm fine. I know how to deal with assholes who only care about themselves" you said, stepping out from behind him

"Oh!" he shouted, surprise clear in his voice "What the hell happened to your face?" you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, because it was his men who did this to you

"You did this, Negan. It was your men" you said 

"What? I never told them to do such a thing" he said, his sinister smile fading

"They said they were doing this because you wanted me to be your wife" you said "Well, I guess it doesn't matter, because all of them are dead now. Oh, except for one. We cut his hands off and drove him far far away from here, so if you think about it, we helped you out. You had a rapist in  your little clique. Remember my step dad? The one my sister didn't kill? Yeah, well, turns out, he was one of your men! And I had the honors of killing him. It was the best decision I've ever made"

"You killed my men?" he said, clearly heated up

"Sure did" you said. You could see the anger built up on his face 

"The whole reason I killed your people was because you killed mine. Now you leave me no choice but to do it again"

"What?" you asked 

"Grab the boy" he said

"No, no!" you screamed "Stop!"

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