Chapter 17

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this chapter is hella long. usually my chapters are just over a thousand words, but this one is damn near two thousand, but I couldn't make it into two chapters because it didn't feel right, so here ya go

It's still possible to love.

a few weeks later

     You, Glenn, Abraham, Maggie, Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Aron, Carl, Eugene, Daryl, and Rosita were all out and about (y'all forgive me I don't remember how this part starts but I can't rewatch the episode rn so just bare with me) Maggie and  Glenn are pregnant now. You cannot wait to see their baby. Maggie is sick so we're carrying her on a stretcher. 

    We were all trudging along when all of a sudden, we heard whistles, coming from all around us. Soon enough, we were surrounded by men. One of them told us to line up and get on our knees, we all obeyed. 

     We were all lined up, I was between Aron and Sasha. Carl was on the other side of Sasha. You looked around and saw the fear in everyone's eyes. Were you the only one that wasn't afraid? A man stepped out of an RV. He had on a leather jacket and some ugly ass cargo pants. In his hand, he had a bat with barbed wire on it. Who the hell is this guy? Is this Negan? Are you finally meeting this dickhead who tried to kill your friends? It's about time. He started rambling on and finally caught your attention by threatening to kill one of you. By this time he'd already introduced himself.  Negan. He started walking up and down the line. He stopped when he got to you

"Well aren't you pretty?" he asked, smirking "Stand up" you looked to Carl, then to Glenn. Both of their faces had worry written all over them. You slowly stood up and faced him. "Why aren't you afraid?" he asked, getting quieter

"I've dealt with people far scarier than you" you paused "Negan" you added

"How do you know just how scary I am?" he said, pausing, waiting for you to him your name

"Y/n" you said, through gritted teeth

"Y/n" he added, giving a devilish grin "How old are you, y/n?" 

"15. How old are you? Like, 52?" you asked

"She's got quite the mouth on her, don't she?" he asked, facing everyone else "I'm seriously curious, as to how you're the smallest, most petite one here, and you aren't even sweating" he added

"I just told you. I'm not afraid of you"

"Come with me" he said, grabbing your arm, and pulling you towards the RV he came out of. Behind you, you heard everyone gasp. You looked back and gave them all a nod. He threw you in the RV and pushed you into a counter

"Now, that's no way to treat a lady" you said, pulling yourself back up and facing him, completely fearless

"Now, y/n. I want you to explain to me, why you aren't afraid"

"Why?" you asked

"Don't ask questions, or I might just hurt you"

"Do it" you said, getting in his face "Because, if you do, you'll have to deal with my people, out there, and I promise you, you don't want to have to do that"

"I could beat them. Now, do what I said. What's the story of this fearless 'y/n' I now know?" he asked, sitting down "What was your childhood like?"

may be triggering to some readers

"My dad died when I was eight. After that, she re-married. About a month into that marriage, the guy started beating me. Then he went as far as raping me, four times, within the two years he and my mom were together. It was worse for my sister though. He raped her many more times than he did me" you said. You had never told anyone other than Glenn and Abraham about this. You could see the look on Negan's face go from strong and sarcastic, to pitiful and sympathetic. "After my mom found out, she made him leave. I haven't seen him since. I was ten when he left. Then, just before I turned eleven, my mom found a new guy. He was great at first, then, after they got married, his dark side came out. He was worse than her last husband. He raped me seven times within eleven months. He never raped my sister, but he beat her a lot. I don't know why he did these things, but he did. The one day, my sister pushed him down the stairs, and he died. My mom never re-married after that. Right before all this started, my sister uhm, she uh- she killed herself. She couldn't handle the weight she carried around anymore, and it got to her. Then all this happened, and almost a year ago, my mom had met a guy. This guy was good. He ended up getting her pregnant. Then, he died. A few months after, me and my mom were fighting off some walkers, and she shoved me into a car, to try and protect me, and she couldn't save herself. I watched my mom and unborn sibling get eaten alive. I got out of the car and tried to fight them off, when I got shot. Then, the guys who shot me brought me to the place I'm at now. While I was in the infirmary, I had a dream. My mom was in it. She was holding a baby, and she told me not to cry, because everything would be alright soon. Four months later, I have yet to cry, or feel scared. Quite frankly, I haven't felt anything but hatred. There you go, Negan" you said "Is that what you wanted?"

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