4. What's done in the dark

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 I didn't know where to drop Queen off at. Fucking Rico did not follow the plan at all. He was supposed to get that pussy nigga into the van and take him to the warehouse. I would have driven Queen over there and gave her the pleasure of killing that nigga slowly. This is one of the many reasons why Rico wasn't officially my right hand—nigga way to fucking hot-headed. It wasn't that hard to follow the simple instructions I gave him.

I looked over at Queen and she was still shaken up. Tears filled her eyes as she just stared out of the window with a blank expression. I was honestly taken aback. When we were in Spain, she had no problem with shooting the head of a cartel. But now some worthless nigga get shot and she wanting to act as if he was somebody worth crying for. I didn't say anything about it. I was gonna let it go. I had bigger fish to fry at the moment.

I didn't really have too many spots in Philly where I could have her chill and be out of sight. My mama's house was too close to the scene, so that was out. I rolled my eyes as I thought about it. I could really only send her up to Brielle. I honestly didn't feel like driving all the way up there but it was the only place I knew for sure she was gonna be aight.

It actually made more sense for me to take her there just cause by the looks of her, she shouldn't be left alone right now. I pulled my phone out and sent Brielle a quick text that said I was sliding to drop Queen off. I left all the details out of it, even though I was pretty sure Queen was gonna end up telling her anyway.

"Babe, I'm gonna take you to Brielle's for the time being while I figure all this shit out," I said laying my phone in my lap and then putting my hand on her thigh.

She nodded and didn't say anything for the rest of the ride.


I didn't even wait for Logan to park the car. He was just putting the gear in park when I opened my door and walked up to Bri's place. I used my key to let myself in and just sat on her couch. There were so many thoughts going through my head, I wasn't sure how to feel.

"What the hell Queen?" Logan said closing the door behind him.

I just sat there not saying anything. Logan must have picked up on my mood because he sat down next to me and pulled me into his chest.

"Look, I didn't want things to go down like that. It wasn't part of the plan," was all he said before kissing my forehead. He stood up and shouted to Brielle that we were here and that he was about to leave again.

"I'll come to get you later. Just call me when you ready."

I nodded, not looking up at him. I couldn't understand why I felt the way I did. Ness was a jackass, who beat on me whenever I did something he didn't approve of. I didn't want to cry over him, but I couldn't stop the tears from falling. It honestly wasn't that long ago when I told Ness that I would kill him the next chance I get. So why was I mourning over this pussy-ass nigga, now?

"Hey girl, Logan dipped already?" Brielle asked sitting on the love seat across from me. "What's wrong?"

Thinking about how to tell her made me replay the events in my head. I started to cry harder, placing my hands over my eyes. I hated myself for feeling this way. For wasting my tears on a nigga that never gave a shit about me. Was I sad that he was gone or that it wasn't by my hands? Brielle got up and walked to the kitchen. When she returned she had two glasses and a bottle of Moscato. She poured us both a drink and sat waiting patiently.

"Take your time girl. Drink some wine and try to relax. When you ready to talk, I'll be here."

It took about thirty minutes and two full glasses before I told her what was up.

"I mean, how am I supposed to feel right now? I don't believe that Logan just so happened to send me to get us a change of clothes. Then boom, Ness is lying in the street with a bullet in his head. Logan never lied to me before, but with how things went down, I just didn't know if I could trust what he was saying."

"You know what you need? A girl's night out," Brielle said.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to even go out. But it did sound better than sitting here continually thinking of this shit, so I agreed. I sent Logan a quick text, letting him know Bri and I were going out and that I would just stay here for the night. I slid my phone in my back pocket after sending the text. Brielle and I proceeded to talk about the plans for tonight as we went to her bedroom to get ready.


I was just pulling up to the warehouse to meet Rico. That nigga had to be mentally challenged or something. I made it really clear that he was to get that pussy nigga in the van without killing him. He took the opportunity that Queen could have used for closure. Not only that, but he murdered the nigga right in front of my crib. It was already dark out and Rico still wasn't here.

"Where the fuck is this nigga?" I said to myself. As if on cue my phone started to ring. "This nigga better have a good fucking excuse." To my surprise, it was Queen calling me. I was a little confused since she told me that she and Brielle were going out tonight. Maybe she changed her mind and wanted to come home.

"What's up, baby girl?" I calmed down a little, waiting for her to respond but she never did.

"Queen, do you think you're so upset about this because Ness didn't know about y'all baby? On top of that, the baby died and now Ness is dead."

The voice was a little muffled but I could tell it was Brielle.

"The fuck did she just say?" I could feel my anger building again. I know she wasn't saying what I thought she was saying.

"I don't know maybe. You know how much I hated Ness. It's not that I didn't want the baby. I just couldn't have a baby by that nigga."

I hung up the phone. It was evident that Queen butt-dialed me. I couldn't believe this shit like why would Queen lie to me? I would have been understanding about the situation. I really wanted to call her back and call her out on the bullshit that I just overheard. I was hurt and didn't want to say anything I didn't mean. I rolled an L to try to calm my nerves. Shit just haven't been going my way lately and I was sick of it. Why did it seem like everybody was out to get my ass? I shook my head and just let the weed do its thing. I was just about to dip when I saw some headlights coming my way.

"It's about damn time," I said rolling down my window when Rico approached.

"Yo, what the fuck happened, earlier? You had one fucking job, my guy." I said snapping right off the rip.

Rico just stood there looking stupid, like he didn't know what the fuck I was talking about.

"What the hell I'm supposed to do with your ass? You're becoming too much of a liability and in this life, there's no room for liabilities."

When I first promoted Rico, I saw he had the same hunger I had at his age. We were always about our paper and wanting to chase a bag. Since then it's been mistake after fucking mistake.

"Boosie I was just—"

I pulled my gun out and he shut right the fuck up. Looking death in the face would make any man pussy up, real quick.

"I should really kill your ass where you stand. I'm a merciful man though, so I'm not gonna do you like that, youngin. Instead, I'm gonna demote you to a dealer. You not ready to play with the big dogs and it shows."

I rolled my windows up and hightailed it out of there. I really should have killed that nigga. He knew too much about my business for the position he was in now. I see the demotion would hurt his pride and he was bound to retaliate in one way or another. I wanted to give Rico the benefit of the doubt. He wasn't going to be stupid enough to do anything that would really make me have to take his life. I was trying to deal him a helpful hand. I was just waiting to see the cards he played. 

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