18. The Ultimate Loss

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Because of Logan, I lost our baby. The night I told him I was pregnant I was so distraught that I ended up having a miscarriage. I would never forgive him for it. I wanted him to suffer how he made me suffer. I wanted to end his life like he ended my father's and our unborn child. I didn't care about the cartel, I didn't care about making Logan fall in love with me. I wanted blood. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I knew my father would roll over in his grave if he knew I was in love with the man that murdered him. I was always taught to put family first, instead, I was pining with unrequited love. I knew exactly what to do to get my revenge.

Rico had finally texted me back after ghosting me. We haven't talked since we got into that argument while he was in Spain. He was supposed to meet me here, at least he said he would. I've been keeping myself locked up in my hotel room since the miscarriage. I had no motivation to go out, I had no motivation to do anything at all. I just wanted my plan to be in motion, so I could fly back home to Spain.

Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt.

My phone vibrated, it was Rico letting me know he was at the door. I hurried over to the door as excitement filled every inch of my body. With Rico here, I could finally execute my plan for revenge.

"What was so important that it couldn't wait till after I got home and unpacked?" Rico asked as soon as I opened the door.

"You know, I heard Americans greet each other before starting conversations."

"Don't start with the bullshit, Isidora. What's this all about?" Rico pushed passed me to get into my room. I closed the door and followed him over to my bed. He sat down and I stood in front of him.

"I lost the baby, Rico."

"And you couldn't have just texted this to me because?"

"It's more than that. There's been a change of plans. I originally just wanted to make Logan's life a living hell until he realized his feelings for me, and how easy everything could have been. But he killed our baby." I placed my hands on my stomach for dramatic effect.

"What do you mean he killed y'all baby? That don't even sound like Logan"

"Can you let me finish?" I asked, glaring at him and folding my arms across my chest. Rico motioned for me to continue.

"I want to make Logan suffer, I want him to feel the pain I did when I lost our child. So I came up with a plan to do just that. But I'm gonna need your help." I was getting tingly all over just thinking about it. It was a foolproof plan.

"What you need me to do? And I'm not killing anybody if that's what you're asking?" I laughed.

"No, I want to do that myself. What I need you to do is bring his daughter to me in Spain. My flight leaves tomorrow. You have till the end of the week to get her there. Wherever she is, Logan is sure to follow. And when he does, that'll be the last of him." I was smiling ear to ear waiting for Rico to respond. I couldn't read his face though.

"The fuck you mean you want me to bring Elara to Spain?"

"What the fuck did I just say papí, bring that little girl to Spain. It's not that hard." I rolled my eyes. What part of the plan was he not understanding?

"So let me get this straight. You want me to kidnap his daughter?"

"Sí, it's a part of the bigger picture. Once she's in Spain, you know Logan is gonna do everything he can do to get her back. And once he comes to Spain to get her, I'll kill him. With him gone you'll have his territory, his trap houses, and his crew. It's a win-win situation for the both of us." I couldn't believe I had to spell it out for Rico. He wanted to take over my father's cartel and now I was practically handing him that and everything Logan built.

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