8. May the odds be Ever in My Favor

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BANG! BANG! BANG! My head was killing me. It was literally pounding. BANG! BANG! BANG!

It took me a minute to realize that I was actually hearing that banging sound, it wasn't just in my head. I opened my eyes slowly and everything just looked like a blur. I didn't remember much of last night, either. The last thing I remember was being down K&A throwing a party.

Once my eyes readjusted I noticed I was back at home. How the fuck did I get here? I thought. If I was too drunk to even recall last night's events. I most definitely was too drunk to drive my ass all the way home.


"Logan open this damn door. I know you hear me out here knocking!"

I groaned. I had a massive hangover, and now my headache in human form was at the door. I tried to get my bearings before going to open the door. I knew Andrea would not go away until I answered. Andrea made it her life purpose to make my life a living hell. The only good that came from her was obviously the apple of my eye and the protector of my heart—Elara. It's been a good while since I saw her.

The last time I was able to see my daughter was when we had come home from vacation. It hurt me honestly. All I was trying to do was be a good father, seeing as though I didn't have one. Yet, Andrea was determined to paint me as the bad guy. That's something I will never be able to understand. Why did females stop men from seeing their children even when the man is doing all he can for them? To be honest, that's what is wrong with women today. They hold grudges against men and in return, they withhold our children when they had nothing to do with it. Women think that it's only hurting us and never see the damage it does to the child(ren).

Once I finally had my head somewhat right, I got up to let hurricane Andrea in. I was astounded when I saw her with Elara. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to see my baby girl, but I thought the next time I was gonna see her was when we went to court. Not only was Andrea and Elara standing at my door, but Rico was as well. What the hell was going on here?

I eyed Rico distrustingly as I noticed his arm snaked around Andrea's waist. Andrea gave me a twisted smile. I hope she didn't think I was jealous, I was far from jealous. The only problem I had with this whole setup was that Rico was in the picture. I could care less who Andrea dealt with, but it wasn't going to be anyone on my damn team.

"Damn Boosie looks like you had a rough night," Rico smirked as he looked at me like he wanted to shoot me where I stood. I know this nigga wasn't trying to challenge me. Rico had no one to blame but himself for his recent demotion.

"What do y'all want? If you are not here to give me my daughter, y'all can hit the bricks." I wasn't in the mood for whatever game they were trying to play. I was used to Andrea trying to pull some slick shit, but Rico, he was signing up for a suicide mission. With Andrea being the sloppy cunt that she was and Rico being a hothead who always had an itchy trigger finger, all I smelled was trouble from the two of them being together.

"Fortunately for you, I am here to drop off Elara. Better make as many memories as you can with her. It may be the last time your ass ever sees her. Rico may end up as her new daddy," Andrea laughed.

My teeth clenched, hearing Andrea say that. I wish this bitch would have my daughter calling another nigga daddy and see how fast I whoop both they asses. I had never put my hands on a woman before, Andrea was pushing her luck though. If looks could kill, Rico would have been bleeding out in this hallway. I was staring daggers at him. I just wanted to see the life drain from his eyes. After all I have done for him, this is how he repaid me. I wouldn't even be surprised if this nigga turned out to be the rat.

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