15. Saving Elara

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Rico has been MIA since he walked in on me with the John. I had been texting and calling him for weeks and no replies. I fucked up big time. I didn't know if he was gonna tell Logan what happened or not but I think if he would have told Logan I would've heard from him by now. Speaking of which it has been a grip since I heard from that nigga too. What the fuck was going here? Logan never goes this long without hitting me up for Elara. Something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was definitely some foul shit in play.

"ANDREA! COME GET THIS DAMN BABY! Crying and shit. The fuck I look like? COME GET YOUR DAMN CHILD! I raised all my damn kids already."

I rolled my eyes."Mom, you can watch her for like five minutes, damn, I'm in the bathroom!" I hollered back. I couldn't even go to the bathroom like what the hell. My mom was always bugging about watching Elara. I don't even ask her to watch her that much only when we in the house and I need to go to the bathroom or take a shower. But soon as I do, she acts like she needs to shoot up right then and there. It was annoying as fuck.

My mama has been shooting up heroin since I was a little girl. After my daddy left us, it all went left. Apparently, she was so heartbroken about it, she turned to drugs to stop it. Shortly after, my older sister started to do the same shit. Now, I may have followed in their footsteps by selling my body but I wasn't going to lose myself to drugs. I refused to. I hurried and finished up in the bathroom so I could get my baby. This shit was becoming too much for me. I was at the point where I was just gonna give her ass to Logan since he wanted her so bad. I was through with chasing that nigga. He wanted to be with that boujee bitch, Queen so bad, she could have him.

I walked into my mom's room to grab Elara. You would never believe this. This bitch was passed out on the bed and my baby was sitting next to her playing with a damn syringe! I quickly snatched Elara up and took the needle out of her hand. If my mom hadn't already passed out, I would've rocked that bitch to sleep. I understand Elara was my responsibility but as her grandmother, she could have watched her for about five minutes while I was using the bathroom. But as usual, shooting up was more important than everything else.

I may not even do the bare minimum for my child but she was never put in harm's way. I stormed off to my room and called Logan. He didn't answer. What else could go the fuck wrong? I threw my phone across the room, sat Elara in her crib and started pacing back and forth. I had no idea what to do with myself. Now that I wasn't worried about Logan anymore, I wasn't sure what to do to occupy my time.

I texted my girl Tasha to let her know me and Elara was about to head there. I needed to vent and a piece of reality. After she texted me back saying ok, I started to pack Elara's diaper bag. Once I was done, I checked on Elara and she was knocked out. I had just enough time to jump in the shower quickly before we left. As I was walking down the hall to the bathroom there was a knock on the door. I rolled my eyes knowing I was the only one capable of answering the door. Everyone else was either high or passed out drunk.

"Who is it?!" I said standing at the door with my hand on the knob. We didn't have a screen door, so I wasn't about to just open the door and let any ole person in.

Tat. Tat. Tat. They were knocking again as if they didn't just hear me ask who it was. Rolling my eyes, I snatched the door open to see who it was. I was greeted by some white bitch in a cheap pantsuit.

"Hello ma'am, are you Andrea Crawford? Mother of Elara Negasi?"

"Who wants to know?" I asked ready to square up if need be. That's when I noticed the two pigs walking up to the house as well. "Awe shit. What the fuck going on now?" I thought to myself.

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