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Hi! This is where I'll put A/n before every chapter or so! It won't effect anything with the story though.

Makoto POV
"So that makes 15 of us!" A chubby guy fixing his glasses announced. I glance around the room to see everyone staring at me, most of them looked unhappy, I was feeling uneasy with all the eyes on me. Then I remembered that these are the ultimates, and I need to make a good impression. "H-hi! I'm Makoto Neagi! I'm sorry I'm late, a bunch of stuff happened and then I fell asleep." I say bashfully to the room.

"Whoa, you too!" A man with gravity defining hair replied.

"Things keep getting curiouser and curiouser..." A girl with twin drills mumbled.

"So strange...I declare beyond the shadow of the doubt this is a strange situation indeed!" The chubby guy declared.

"What a-are you guys talking about? I have no idea what's going on." I questioned.

"Just a moment! There's something else we need to address! Makoto your tardiness is unexpecxeable! Surely you were aware we had to arrive at 8:00am sharp!" Another guy with a fixated mad expression yelled.

"What's your problem? It's not like he "wanted" to be late. He didn't have control over it." The fashionista stated

"Everyone please calm down! Listen, we should all introduce ourselves!" A peppy girl suggested.

"The hell? It's not time for introductions." A guy with another hair defining hairstyle replied.

"Maybe, but we should introduce ourselves before diving into bigger problems." The twin-drills girl suggested.

"Okay! So let's get introductions out of the way! Sound good?" The pop idol announced.

After all the dialogue I'm still lost on what is happening, but the pop idol was right, I should just focus on meeting everyone at the moment. Even though I looked them up online before hand, so I'll just see what kind of people they are. During my thought process, someone caught my eye. A light brown brunette with white glasses was near the back of the room. I couldn't help but stare, he looked angelic in a way. He hasn't moved since we all agreed to introduce ourselves. I quickly snapped back into reality when I remembered that I need to be introducing myself to everyone.

I soon made my rounds to everyone in the room, expect one. The angelic guy in the back of the room I noticed (more like stared at) earlier. I was nervous, I wanted to make a good impression on him, because I was intrigued by him, He was stunning. Why am I thinking like this? I must've hit my head on something while I was asleep. I hesitantly approached the angelic guy. "Names Byakuya Togami." He said, his icy gaze not even leaving the floor. "U-um nice to meet you." I smiled at him. That was the most half-assed introduction yet. He seemed stone cold and uninterested to talk to me, or anyone. I read about him online, he was the heir to a huge financial conglomerate. He already started managing business operations and personal assets, despite only being 15. He's the definition of exceptional, and gorgeou- "We're done with introductions, how long are you going to stand there gawking at me? Go away. I'm sick of looking at you." My gay thoughts were soon interrupted by the heir's demand. "I-I'm sorry I'll leave now!" I announced without hesitation and swiftly speed-walked away.


Byakuya POV
I noticed that this commoner, Neagi,? Was his name? He keeps staring at me from across the room. He was looking at me in a different way then everyone else, he was observing me, with a soft expression. I try to ignore it but, no one has looked at me the way he is right now. Like, a caring expression. It made me have a strange feeling for this random commoner, but he soon fixed his gaze on someone else. While other commoners were talking to me, I still thought about that expression in his face... it was, almost cute.

After all the commoners made there efforts to come and talk to me, there was one commoner who hadn't yet. The commoner with the staring problem walked up to me "names Byakuya Togami." I stated, hoping he would leave me alone after, but he didn't. "U-um nice to meet you." he smiled at me. Instead of leaving right after he stared at me with that same soft look on his face. It made me feel the strange feeling again, I wanted it to stop. "We're done with introductions, how long are you going to stand there gawking at me? Go away. I'm sick of looking at you." I declared, hoping the strange feeling and Neagi, would go away. "I-I'm sorry I'll leave now!" He announced quickly speed-walking away after. Is this feeling always going to come when he looks at me like that? Why am I suddenly being overwhelmed with these feelings at a time like this? This commoner was more interesting than the rest, he seemed average but his gaze on me had a different affect that everyone else's... there is no time to worry about something as idiotic as this. I have bigger problems to think about.


Makoto POV
I awoke in a strange room, then all of what happened earlier flooded my mind. That this was real, that we're stuck in a killing game for some sick bear's entertainment. After the sudden flood of thoughts, I heard a knock at my door. It was Sayaka Maizono. "Are you okay? You know since Owada punched you and all?" Maizono questioned.

"O-oh I'm fine! No need to worry!" I reassured her

"Well that's good! I was kinda worried..." Maizono replied

"Th-thanks, and by the way what are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to get you! Well if your feeling better... I was hoping you can come to the dinning hall. After you passed out, everyone went to go investigate the place. After we decided to meet in the dinning hall to conclude our discoveries..." Maizono trailed off

"So everyone is meeting in the dinning hall then? Let's go!" I said while walking out of the room. We walked to the dinning hall together.

In the dining hall, me and Maizono just made small talk until everyone else showed up, me and Maizono could be good friends, since she's my assistant now. Soon after the conversation between me and Maizono, Ishimaru affiliated our first meeting, "Wait the silver haired girl isn't here..." Enoshima announced

"She didn't inform us she was going to be late! A unbecoming personality trait!" Ishimaru whined while screaming.

"You're being a real Jack-ass you know..." Enoshima mumbled.

"Do what you like! Now I officially declare the first Hope's Peek Academy meeting has begun!" Ishimaru declared. With that, everyone declared and concluded that, we're going to be here for awhile. When Kirigiri finally arrived, she bought a map, which came up with our conclusion: We're Stuck in Hope's Peek Academy by some insanely powerful person.

The meeting shortly ended after, and we all promised not to leave our room after 10:00pm. I headed back to my room and tried to enter my bathroom, "brtzz! It unlocked!" The demon-bear seemly opened the door.

"Holy crap!" I shouted in surprise

"What an overreaction! Like you saw a ghost! Besides the point, you have a problem with your doorframe! Only your door is like that! So you'll need to lift your door while you open it!" He demonstrated. I did the same thing he did after, it worked. "Anywayyy I suddenly don't feel like being here... Bye!" He announced while vanishing before me. But right after the monitor in my room started playing the "night-time announcement." After that, I decided it would be best for me to go to sleep. So I laid in my bed and started to get comfy, I reflected on what exactly happened today. Then I thought of Togami, smiling to myself during the process, after that, I soon fell asleep letting myself drift off.


So this is it for the prologue! I know it's kinda long. But Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

Word count: 1392 words

Date: May 3rd 2020

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now