✨🌸Stone cold sickness🌸✨

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Hi everyone! So uh this story is going to evolve soon and like progress so just hang on with me for just one more chapter! Thank you! (The cover art this time is not mine, as you can tell)

Makoto POV
"Okay looks like everyone is here! So let's begin our very first breakfast meeting!" Ishimaru announced in his usual outside voice. Isn't it a little too early to be yelling? "Everyone thank you for making time in your busy schedules to come together!" He thanked us. I mean, it's not like we had a choice. He dragged us out of our dorms, and we have nothing to do anyways...

"I didn't make time for shit. You dragged me here..." Kuwata corrected him.

"I know I already mentioned this before but, in order to get out of here it is essential we all cooperate with each other! And the first step is this breakfast meeting, to allow us to become friends and build trust!" Ishimaru stated proudly. "So form now on, we meet in the dinning hall every morning after the morning announcement!" He demanded. "Now then, let's eat!" The moral compass yelled.

"Y-you want me to eat b-breakfast with other p-people? I-I've never done that before. I'm not s-sure..." Fukawa questioned with a freaky look on her face.

"Yeah it's been awhile for me too.." Kuwata joined in.

"Well anyway... did anyone happened to find any clues." Enoshima quickly changed the subject. There was silence throughout the whole dinning hall. "Seriously, nothing at all?" She whined. "No one has anything? It could be like how to get out, or who's behind all of this? Seriously?" Enoshima repeated herself with more distress in her voice.

"You are going to die." Celeste stated out of the blue.

"Huh?" Enoshima asked with a worried look on her face.

"If you can't stop yourself from showing weakness from others... you will die." Celeste answered coldly. Enoshima and Celeste quickly began arguing, other people joined in but... I didn't really hear all of the conversation, because I was eating this really good scone! Like, I love raspberry filled scones! I think I'm in love! Well I wasn't paying attention until Fujisaki said something that caught my attention.

"Do you think whoever's behind this, is a murderous fiend?"

"A murderous fiend?" I asked with scone in my mouth.

"Have you guys heard of Genocide Jack?" Fujisaki added.

"You means that serial killer thats been all over the internet?" I asked, this time the scone not in my mouth.

" The monsters villain who's murdered scores of victims in a brutally bizarre fashion?" Togami joined in.

"He's claimed over thousands of victims!" Hagakure chimed in.

"That's just and urban legend right? I mean 10 people would be totally insane!" Enoshima questioned.

"Anyway, whoever he is, he's some sort of super crazy killer." Fujisaki said. "Like I said I can't be certain I don't have any evidence! It's just a thought..." she reassured everyone. I soon yet again, get bored of the conversation. I had my last scone to worry about. I needed all my attention to savor the moment. Well until...

"The police? You're putting all your faith into the police?" Monokuma slyly entered the conversation.

"What are you doing here? Ogami asked.

"Are you sure you want to rely on such unreliable losers?" Monokuma asked us. "I mean comeee onnn! If you really REALLY want to get out you just gotta kill someone!" Monokuma tried to persuaded us.

"HAHAHAHAHA" The stoner laughed.

"Why in the hell are you laughing?" Kuwata questioned the stoner.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now