✨🌸Stone cold once again🌸✨

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(I'll put another warning when it starts). Other than that enjoy the chapter 🙃💞


Makoto POV

"Neagi... I just don't think I could be with someone like you."

"I could never be with a commoner."

"Don't you think it's weird that you have a crush on a guy... even though your a guy?"

"I don't think we can be friends still after this..."

"Don't you think I'm a bit out of your league?"

I was in pitch black darkness as the void was talking to me in Togami's voice.

"Just wake up already. Despair will a always follow you. Wether you believe it or not." The void said to me in monokuma's voice.


  I quickly shot up from the bed and looked around me hyperventilating fast. I was in Togami's room... Right! I stayed the night... but Togami isn't in here. Well he probably just woke up early to go to breakfast then. I changed back into my regular clothes and freshened up. I walked by myself to the dinning hall, everyone already in there, and Togami! I waved at him but it seems he didn't notice. Maybe he's just tired and hasn't really woke up yet...Yea that's it! By the looks of it he wasn't wearing the bracelet I made for him ether, must of forgot it. We didn't really have any leads ether during the breakfast meeting.

  After the breakfast meeting I hung out with a few other people, but I thought it was a good idea to spend time with Togami. So I decided to look for him, I walked around to all the spots I knew Togami would be in. The library, the A/v room and the cafeteria. So I decided it was best to see if he was in his room. I rang the door bell to see if anyone was there but no answer. Where in the hell could that man be?

  I was wandering around the halls going aimlessly until I herd someone talking in the laundry room, they sounded hysterical. So I decided to peek in the door a little.

"A-are you Master!?" Fukawa screamed-asked pulling her braids.

"No I am not dating him you imbecile." Togami sneered. "And didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" He said with an annoyed tone, he was standing feet apart from her with his arms crossed.

"S-sorry master... b-but you two were holding hands..?" Fukawa stuttered.

"So, Haven't I told you? I'm done hanging with that commoner." Togami said as he rolled his eyes. My heart sank to the floor when I herd those words.... are Fukawa and him a thing? Did she get to him before I did? I know he insulted her, but that's just his personality.

"B-but you two seemed close when I followed you..." She thought aloud.

"Didn't I tell you? He dragged me around like a damn doll." He scoffed. "I just went along with it because of the lack of entertainment in between class trials." He corrected her. "I'm no longer in association with him, I don't want anything to do with him." The heir admitted. "I've answered, so stop bombarding me about this." Togami demanded.

  Was I that annoying to him? Did he seriously dislike me that much? The whole time we hung out he really didn't feel a connection? I could feel my eyes getting cloudy and teary as I watch them talk. I could fell a huge lump in my throat as I tried to contain myself from being found out.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now