✨🌸Stone cold pocket watch🌸✨

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Ah yes, I see your back again for another banger. Nah jp. My writing sucks ass. This ones a lil late... but ya know hectic times or whateva. 🤧👉👈
(This is a big time skip to after Sayaka's and Leon's trial)

Makoto POV

I walked into my room, I glanced around. Then headed straight towards the bathroom. Everything is gone. Like, nothing ever happened. This is real, Maizono was gone, no trace that she ever even stepped in here. I felt my eyes getting watery, there was no time to mourn Maizono's or Junko's deaths. I could've prevented this from happening. I wiped my watery eyes with the sleeves of my jacket. I need to go meet up with the others, maybe after that I could cry...

"S-sorry I'm late..." I say walking into the dinning hall my eyes focused on my shoes.

"Hey... are you okay Neagi?" Asahina asked with a sympathetic look on her face.

"You sure took your sweet time! I was just about to drag you back here!" I jumped to here Ishimaru's voice, he was always yelling.

"S-sorry..." I focused my gaze on Ishimaru's shoes, not wanting to look anyone in the eyes.

"So what happened is your room fixed up like Monokuma Said? I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!" He yelled not an ounce of sympathy in his voice.

"Jesus, that's fucked up man. Why would you say something like that?" Mondo sneered

"My room was spotless... T-there wasn't anything left." I say timidly again

"It must be tough. Staying there in that room. Why don't you stay in Maizono's room?" Ogami suggested.

"It smells just like her, it would hurt just as much... I can't really run away from her death." I say while trying to glance at anything but people in the room.

"Hey cheer up! Getting depressed isn't going to help anything, Right? If we all work together, we'll find away out!" Asahina says trying to cheer me up. But, it's better said than done. "So... everyone try to cheer up and get back on track!" Asahina said triumphantly.

"Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better?" Togami peeped up.

"Huh?" Asahina questioned with surprise on her face.

"We were already working together, and yet someone was still murdered. Anyone could betray us at this point." Togami said emotionless. "Now that it happened once, it's a question of who will do it again." Togami stated while a grin was appearing on his face.

"B-but since were working together against the mastermind... it won't happen. Right?" Asahina questioned an ounce of fear present in her voice.

"Keep telling yourself that. I'll be over here in the real world." Togami sneered staring at Asahina. "Working together, fighting the common enemy... Like it or not, it's not that simple." He said with disgust plastered all over his face.

"What do you mean?" Yamada said mindlessly.

"The mastermind seems to be more powerful than we thought."Celeste thought out loud. "Everything has been planed to the last excruciating detail." She said.

"Then... what are we supposed to do." Ogami asked.

"Anyone who truly wants to escape... will follow the rules." Togami stated " In which case, the only option is to deceive those around you and win the game." He finished

"N-no" Fujisaki retorted

"No what?" Togami said in an annoyed voice.

"I don't want to live... if it means, killing someone. I don't want to kill anyone else!" Fujisaki timidly retorted 

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now