✨🌸Stone cold start🌸✨

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Hey guys! Right now it's quarantine, and I'm bored as shit so we finna upload back to back. Oh and I forgot to mention on the last chapter that the underscores (like this ___) indicate time skips, or the end of the chapter/Author's note. So that's about all, enjoy the next chapter!

Makoto POV
I awoke at the sound of the "morning-time Monokuma announcement" The best parts of my day is waking up oblivious to what's happening, then reality kicks in, and I remember that I'm in a killing game with the superior ultimates, I don't stand a chance, and seeing Togami, WAIT? Why am I thinking about Togami at a time like this? I need a subject change! Well I definitely don't stand a chance if I don't eat breakfast. So I should get to it, I brush my teeth than leave my room after. Maybe I should check on Maizono, she is my assistant after all. I go and ring Maizono's doorbell, she quickly answers and steps out of the her dorm. "Good morning Maizono!" I say cheerfully.

"Morning Neagi! Perfect timing!" She greeted back. "I actually had a favor to ask..." she added.

"A favor?" I asked

"I was just getting ready to head out, if you wanted to come with me, maybe we could talk.." she sounded serious.

"Oh okay, where you headed?" I tried to say without stuttering

"I was thinking that, there might be something around here, you know... to use as self-defense." She almost whispered at the last part.

"S-self defense..?" I repeated.

"Well I mean, whoever is behind all of this can show up, and attack us, at anytime." she said with paranoia being present in her voice. I mean, she isn't wrong. I saw in the gym there was a bunch of weapons in that display case...

"The gym! Okay let's go!" Maizono said cheerily.

"W-what? How did you know I was thinking that?" I panicked, am I that easy to read?

"I'm physic." She said bluntly stated. "Just kidding! I just have amazing intuition!" She reassured me. Then Maizono  and I walked to the gym.

  After grabbing a weapon for Maizono, and something for myself. I went to go get some breakfast, but on the way there I saw him again, Togami. Near the entrance of the 'school', I had the urge to go talk to him, get to know him more, since it seemed like we started off on a bad foot. At that, I ditched my plans for breakfast and went to go talk to Togami. "M-morning Togami!" I tried to say in the cheeriest voice possible.

"Don't Address me like we're friends." He stated. "Didn't I make myself clear? I. Don't. Like. You." The heir said bluntly. Those words made my heart hurt, someone so magnificent on paper, and externally. Could be so cold. I didn't let that discourage me though.

"W-well, maybe if we got to know eachother... we could be really good friends!" I smile at him. Togami stayed silent for a second, I took that as a opportunity to talk some more. "So Togami, what do you like to do in your free time?" I tried to start a conversation.

"Read..." he said. Listing nothing more. Being as blunt and quiet as possible.

"O-oh, that's cool, I don't read much myself but-" I was quickly cut off by Togami

"No wonder, idiotic commoners like you don't see the true beauty of books... the endless possibilities that books supply you with. All books have their own flavor, own uniqueness. From all genres, different experiences..." the heir began to spew, he soon stopped after realizing what he's saying. I was taking aback at first, I didn't know Togami can be that passionate for something, or show any other emotion except disgust.

"Oh well, maybe you can recommend some books sometime to me! Then we can discuss about them together sometime!" I happily suggested, grinning widely in the process, just thinking about the idea. Togami again stayed silent.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now