✨🌸Stone cold secrets🌸✨

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Hey y'all! Another song that reminds me of there relationship is the cover, I just like it an it kinda reminds me of them. I think it sounds cute and wholesome. I hope you guys like it!

Song: Waiting 4 ur ## call

Makoto POV

"Good night Neagi." Togami whispered while spooning me.

"Good night Togami." I whispered back, I settled into bed and waited for him to fall asleep.

I waited about 30 minutes or so until I herd light snores, now it's just time to get out of his arms. He had an iron grip, but I had to be as gentle as possible or else he'll wake up. I took the pillow from under my head and slid down from his arms, and as soon as I did I replaced me with the pillow. He looked less content but I had to scramble out of here before he wakes up, so I quickly changed out of my night clothes and made my way to the library. I have to, in order to protect Togami like he already does for me. As I headed out the door I peaked my head to still see if he was still asleep, still hugging the pillow tightly. 'Sorry Togami...' I say as I close the door, well it's not like he'll find out, I just have to tell whoever sent this note what's going on, they'll understand and leave me alone... right? I don't have time to think about this now, I'm probably already late! So I speed walked to the library.

I opened the library doors to my surprise, no one was here yet. Well, maybe they're just arriving or something, or maybe this is a set up... and they're planing to kill me! Why did I fall for something like this? What about Togami, what would he think? Well, I'd rather them hurt me then Togami...

"Neagi." I herd a voice behind me whisper, I jumped and turned around.

"Fukawa?" I questioned, why didn't I think about this before... "Good lord why whenever you talk to me you have to scare the living daylights out of me..." I sighed. 

"S-sorry..." she stuttered, she looked to be nervous, but she was awfully bold in her letter.

"Um, what did you want from me?" I asked, that's what I came here for anyway. I need to answer her questions and hurry up back to the dorm before Togami wakes up.

"I told you to stay away from Master Togami!" She shouted at me while pulling at her braids. "Me and master are made for eachother! A-and someone like you can not get in the way!" She threatened me. "But instead you make bracelets and drawings a-and dance together!" She shouted while grabbing my wrist and pointed at my bracelet. I started to feel really guilty about lying to her now.

"Shhh can you calm down a little? Someone could hear you know." I reminded her. "I can just tell you what you want to know and I'll be on my way!" I pleaded, I started panicking a bit since she looked upset.

"I-I told you to stay away from him and y-you agreed... why did you lie?!?" She asked, I started feeling bad for her. Even though she's a borderline stalker, I still lied. "E-every time I go to see him... he's with you, and he looks happy!" She she said, her voice getting weaker. I felt a pit in my stomach watching her act like this.

"Fukawa I-"

"No! I won't take it! I-I!" Fukawa started, but she suddenly fainted after.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now