✨🌸Stone cold flower crowns🌸✨

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But the picture for this chapter makes me wanna cryyyyy😭😭. Also sorry for not uploading this on time, the drawing took me awhile because of the flowers. But anyways enjoy the chapter yall. (I don't know the creds to the art so if you can tell me that would be wonderful :3)

Makoto POV

I couldn't believe him! Why would he do such a thing! I angrily rushed over to that money-whore's room. I pounded on the door (hurting my hand during the process) and I saw a smily Togami. "Good evening Makoto." He greeted happily while holding the door open for me. I walked into the room and as soon as he closed the door he turned around and I went on my tippy toes to grab the caller of his shirt.

"Togami! You had me worried sick!" I say shaking him violently.

"Wh-what did I do?" He says while fixing his glasses. Was he really this dense?

"You drank the poison vile!" I shook him again. "I almost had a heat attack!" I shook him for the last time.

"I was trying to prove a point! And I was right! Ogami didn't die of food poisoning!" He reassured me.

"You still scared the living shit out of me!" I shook him again.

"Whoa, whoa! Language! I don't think I ever herd you curse before..." he chuckled.

"Your right..." I mumbled letting go of him, "I really should watch my potty mouth..." I mumbled. He snickerd at me again.

"Potty mouth?" He repeated looking to be holding in laughter. "What are you five?" He taunted me.

"Hey your not helping redeem yourself right now!" I shouted at him. 💢

"Sorry, sorry." He chuckled, that damn trust fun-kid isn't taking me seriously!

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it!" I shouted while crossing my arms.

"Come on Neagi, I'm sorry." Togami said while hugging me from behind.

"No! I answered.

"Come on... how can I make it up to you?" He says while burring his face into the crook of my neck.

"Nothing! I'm gonna be mad at you for all of eternity!" I bluffed trying to hide my blush from him.

"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, we can go hangout somewhere nice, since there should by new rooms open." He suggested.

"If you insist..." I say as I give in. Right after I said that the Monokuma announcement started playing. "We should go to sleep now..." I suggested.

"Your right..." he agreed, we changed into our pjs and headed to bed. Togami rolled over to me and tried to spoon me.

"Don't push your luck." I said codly.

"Fine fine," he agreed.

"Love you, goodnight Neagi." He said.

"Love you too, but I'm still mad." I reminded him.

"I know, but you won't be when I take you out tomorrow." He insisted, smirking coyly as he spoke.

"Yea yea whatever good night." I say annoyed.

"Good night then." He says, I then fell asleep. Only to wake up back in his arms again in the morning.

I find myself walking down these hallways again looking for Togami. He seemed to disappear after the breakfast meeting today, I already checked his room so I should look in the library. I walked to the library to find a note on one the desks, and a vase of purple pretty flowers.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now