✨🌸Stone cold apology🌸✨

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Hey y'all! I'm really sorry I didn't post last week! 🤧, my phone was sadly congested. But I have one for this week, maybe next week because I know what's happening. So enjoy the chapter!🤍

Makoto POV

The morning time announcement blared and startled me out of my sleep. I guess I was still on edge from last night. None the less I woke up and felt like shit, I didn't want to see Togami again. I loved and missed him, but I didn't want to see him mad at me or just ignoring me. So I decided it would be best to just wait in my room and sneak out later to eat. I just wanted to go back to sleep and forget about what's happening here. I'll just talk to Togami later and give him some space. It's for the best anyways. But I wanted Togami to cuddle me again, to hold me until I fall asleep. But for now I'll just have to deal with the warmth of my covers.

Byakuya POV

Neagi wasn't here for the breakfast meeting today, which already alarmed me. He must be mad at me because I yelled at him last night, he probably just wants to be alone. The library was empty without Neagi's rambling about miscellaneous things or humming upbeat tunes. I wasn't used to the quiet anymore. Since Neagi wasn't around, it was boring without someone to talk to. All the books in here were repetitive and boring me, I already read all the good ones. I rested my head on the table as I realized that I missed him.

"Togami." A feminine voice said behind me. I jumped a bit at the voice and lifted my head from the table, I sighed as I realized who it was.

"Yes, Kirigiri?" I asked the detective.

"Where's Neagi?" She asked now leaning on the library's door frame.

"He's probably still in his room..." I say as I rested my head on my hand. I normally never slouch because of my training of sitting adequate, but I was to bored to care.

"An argument with Neagi?" She questioned.

"I don't think it's any of your concern." I glared at her. She doesn't need to do this, I'm not in the mood anyway.

"Neagi went out because someone threatened your life." She said blatantly. My life?

"My life?" I actually paid attention to her as soon as she said that. "Please do elaborate." I asked while sitting up properly and staring at her.

"Neagi left the dorm because someone threatened him... and you. To spill all of the secrets you and him have." She explained. How did she know this? Why did she know this information before me?

"Secrets, there's multiple...?" I asked her, I was more intrigued about what happened now. I just thought he left with no explanation. But he left because someone threatened about my life..? It's not like I would die, but still concerning.

"Yes, threatening to out your relationship and... something else personal." She explained vaguely. Something personal...? I thought I knew almost everything about Negai already.

"Something personal...?" I asked standing up from my chair.

"That's not something for me to tell, only he can." She explained. "Having a pointless fright won't help anything. You can lose your lover at any second around here...." She said while looking at her feet "I'll leave you too it." She said while walking away from the library. She left me stunned at this new information. There was only one thought on my mind now, to make sure Neagi was okay.

  I dashed out of the library to Neagi's room, was he okay? Why didn't I check on him earlier? I should'nt have yelled at him without him explaining, I was just so confused and scared after that dream and that panicking moment. As soon as i arrived after running down the halls I banged on Neagi's door. "Yes?" I herd his voice muffled by the walls. I didn't answer, I just wanted him to open the door. I herd a loud sigh as he opened the door, he looked surprised to see me. "Oh, hey T-Togami!" He said cracking a fake smile as he rubbed his neck.

"May I come in?" I ask while staring down at him.

"Oh! Yea, right..." he said as he stepped aside to let me in. He seemed more out of it then usual. As soon as he closed the door I started talking.

"Look Neagi... I'm really sorry that I yelled at you. I didn't know you went out to protect me... I should've let you explain that." I say as I stared at the floor, I go to look up at him to see his bracelet missing from his wrist. How odd...

"Oh... who did you find out from?" He asked looking a little nervous.

"Kirigiri told me." I told him. He looked to be sweating a bit. So I continued "She also told me that there was something you we're hiding..." I eluded. He was quiet for a moment looking nervous.

"R-right..." he stuttered. Neagi almost never stuttered around me anymore, this must be something a lot more serious than I thought.

"Can you tell me?" I ask stepping closer to him and taking his hands, he really was sweating.

"I should probably show you it instead..." he whispered looking down at our hands. He let go of my hands and rolled up both of his sleeves.

"Good lord..." I muttered, staring in awe of what he done to himself. My heart sank when I saw how many of them there were, how I wasn't there to comfort him. To tell him that things were going to be okay. I looked Neagi in the eyes, to see lose tears streaming down his cheeks. He rolled his sleeves back down and began sobbing.

"You know... if you think I'm disgusting for this.... you don't have to be with me anymore..." He whispered while sobbing in between words. I could feel my heart shatter as he continued sobbing, I quickly grabbed him into a hug. He melted into it slowly and kept sobbing telling me 'I'm sorry'  , 'please don't be mad at me' and 'I love you'

"I'll always love you Makoto..." I whispered in his ear. I could see him calming down a bit while he sniffled softly. He looked up at me while wiping his eyes.

"You still want to be with me...?" He sniffled.

"Of course I do... I always want to be with you, I love you." I say while wiping his tear stained cheeks. He weakly smiled at me, I could tell he was about to break down again but before he did I stuffed his face into my shoulder as he softly cried. He kept saying 'thank you' over and over again in between soft sobs.

"I should be the one thanking you, I missed you Neagi." I say while petting his head. Neagi looked to have calmed down and I let go of him. I saw him flash a real smile, I couldn't help but smile back at him.

  I leaned down and gently grabbed his cheeks to kiss his forehead, he looked up at me starstruck. He turned as red as monokuma's left eye, witch made my face heat up too, we were just staring at each other for what felt like forever. Until he buried my head into my chest and hugged me again.

"Warn me next time you do something like that..." he said, sounding muffled with him still in my chest.

"Alright alright...." I agreed, only for his sake. "Isn't it about lunch time yet?" I asked while taking out my pocket watch.

"Your right," he said as he released me. "Let's go eat, I'm kinda starving since I didn't eat breakfast..." Neagi mumbled the last part. We headed to the cafeteria hand in hand.


Ngl I kinda hate this chapter. Like the conclusion, but I had no others ideas really. There'll be another filler than the class trail so about, 2 more chapters left, so stay tuned for that stuff. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it at least! See you Monday! I think at least... my phones still congested :P

Word count: 1362 (10 pages)

Date: November 9th 2020

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now