✨🌸Stone cold best friends🌸✨

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Um, hey y'all. How y'all doing? I'm fine I guess, I'm really sorry I abandoned this book for a sec, it's been a hectic couple of months as you already know... also thank you for the positive feedback! You guys are really nice! 🥺🥺Here is the story 🥳

Makoto POV

I woke up to hear that eye-sore of a bear's announcement. So, I headed to the cafeteria to meet with the others.

"Mornin' Makoto!" Hina cheerily greeted me.

"Good morning... is everyone here already?" I asked.

"Nope, still waiting on Togami and Ishimaru." Hagakure answered.

"Togami is no surprise but, it's strange Ishimaru's not here yet..." I thought out loud.

"Knowing Ishimaru, I imagine that he is trying to get the king of tardiness up and out of bed." The gambler giggled.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon, just be patient..." Ogami reassured us.

"I don't mind waiting for them, but there is one problem..." Celeste started

"Which is?" I ask

"I am thirsty." Celeste said plainly.

"How the hell is that a problem?" Owada angrily asked.

"Yamada, would you make me some tea?" Celeste asked sweetly.

"...Huh?" Yamada sacredly muttered.

"Milk tea, if you please." Celeste suggested forcefully.

"I can feel my throat drying out. Quickly, please." Celeste sweetly demanded.

"O-okay..." Yamada did as he was told. And sulked his way to the kitchen.

"Thank you for waiting!" Yamada declared you the room with the tea in his hands. But as soon as Celeste took a sip, she threw the cup at the wall. Celeste than camly explained how Yamada made the milk tea wrong, while everyone stood there in shock by Celeste's anger issue.

"Bad news everyone! There is a mystery afoot!" Ishimaru declared while bursting into the cafeteria.

"Huh? What happened?" Hagkure panicked

"It would seem Togami refuses to leave his room!" Ishimaru announced " I stood there pressing the doorbell over and over, but he never showed himself!" Ishimaru explained.

"Maybe he just... wasn't there" I muttered.

" I'd like to think so but, I'm worried something might have happened to him." Ishimaru worried.

"I-it might be a good idea to go split up and look for him." I suggested.

"Ah! I was just about to suggest the same thing!" Ishimaru said.

"Stop trying to one-up e-everyone..." Fukawa protested.

We then all went by ourselves to look for Togami around the school, well expect for Celeste and Yamada.

I wondered aimlessly around the halls until I made my way to the second floor, Togami had an interest in books, right? Well, there's no harm in checking. I opened the Library's doors, to see Togami reading a book.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now