✨🌸Stone Cold artwork🌸✨

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Me: Bruh imagine liking Danganronpa 🙄

*Continues to write Danganronpa fanfics*

Makoto POV

I opened my eyes to see Togami peering down at me. His arms were wrapped around my waist and we were lying down in my now clean room, thanks to him and I cleaning it up. "What are you staring at..." I mumbled my voice being raspy from just waking up. All Togami did was smile at me.

"You're pretty." He stated bluntly almost Turing a light pink. I couldn't help but turn red at his complaint, I tried to avoid eye contact but due to him cuddling me, I couldn't really focus anywhere else. "You're not going to say anything? Don't be so shy now." he said playing with my hair.

"W-well what do you want me to say?" I say finally looking at Togami in the eyes.

"Maybe a thank you, or you can thank me in a different way..." He trails off as he gets closer to my face. Our faces were inches apart until,

"Gooooodd morning everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is now officially over! Time to rise and shine!" The bear announced, Togami looked a little annoyed that he was interrupted by the bear. "Get ready to greet another beeee-yutifal day!" Monokuma said cheerily. I looked back at Togami and I backed up a bit.

"We should get ready now..." I whisper with a light blush in my face.

"I suppose so." He sighs, looking a little sad that we didn't kiss.
(Yea that's right strictly a wholesome fluffy fanfic 😡😡)
I went to the breakfast meeting again after a week of not going, it was good seeing everyone. But like always nothing really happened.

"So what do you wanna do now Neagi?" Togami asked while closing his book. We've been in the library for quite sometime now just reading.

"Umm... I haven't really checked out the new floor..." I mumbled. "Can you show me around?" I asked with a smile.

"My pleasure." Togami smiked back at me.

We walked to the new floor to see what was on it, while wandering around I saw an art room.

"Togami can we stop in here for a bit?" I grabbed his hand and pointed to the art room.

"You like art?" He questioned while walking towards the art room.

"Well, I haven't drawn since grade school but... I could give it another go!" I say opening the art room door.

 I could give it another go!" I say opening the art room door

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{the art room if you don't remember.}

"Not bad..." Togami scoffed.

" Definitely better than my old school art room!" I chuckled.

"Do you wanna draw something?" Togami asked while gazing at the mural on the back wall.

"Yes! But you have to draw with me too!" I insisted while walking over to the cabinets to look for pencils and paper.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now