✨🌸Stone cold smile🌸✨

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I just now realized that, I should really have a schedule for releasing chapters. So I'll try to post ever Monday. At least every other Monday. I don't know how good I'll be at keeping my word, but I'll try my best! Okay, here's the story now! 😇🥳

Byakuya POV

I was awoken by that rip-off panda's announcement. After the announcement, my first thought was Neagi, what happened last night, we were officially friends. I couldn't help but smile to myself, I could feel myself turning red at the thought of him. I quickly shook off this feeling, because I would be seeing him in a few minutes. I freshened up and headed to breakfast.

When I opened the door to leave my room, I saw Neagi standing outside my door. "G'morning  Togami!" The lucky student cheerfully greeted, his smile blinding me in the process.

"Good morning Neagi." I say trying to keep composure.

"Did you get a good nights sleep?" Neagi asked.

"It was fine. The beds are nothing like this at my home. They're tacky." I say fixing my glasses.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let's just head to breakfast then!" He suggested. He started walking in front of me but stopped when he saw that I wasn't moving. "What's wrong Togami?" He asked in a worried tone walking back to where I was.

"A-aren't you going to hold my hand?" I asked shyly.

"Oh! Right!" He said grabbing my hand. "Do you like me holding your hand Togami?" He teased.

"W-what? No! I just thought you were showing me what it's like to have friends is all..." I say trying to cover up my true feelings. The truth is, I like holding his hand it makes me feel nice and fuzzy inside.

"I am, it's just that people our age don't really do this in public platonically..." Neagi trailed off.

"Oh? Well I have a free pass because I've never done this as a child. Will just stop when we reach the dinning hall." I planned.

"Oh, sounds like a plan!" The commoner smiled.

We went to the dinning hall and ate our breakfast while we tried to figure out who trapped us here, we still had no leads.


Makoto POV

After breakfast I decided to hang out with Togami, we headed to the library. Togami and I were both sitting in chairs across from eachother. Togami was reading some book, and I was too.

"So what else do friends do Neagi?" Togami asked out of the blue.

"Hm..." I wondered aloud "Well, since were starting from childhood..." I started. "Maybe, we can have a sleepover!" I exclaimed.

"A sleepover?" Togami questioned with annoyance in his voice.

"Well yeah! I haven't had one since I was a kid, so it will be fun! Since I'm guessing it's your first..." I trailed off.

"Oh, I suppose it's not a bad idea..." He agreed.

"We can just do it in your room tonight. Since I'm guessing we both don't have plans of course." I suggested

"We're imprisoned here. I don't think anyone really has plans." Togami corrected me.

"Right! But what will we do in the meantime?" I asked.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now