✨🌸Stone cold sleepover🌸✨

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If they don't make a 16 student Togami killing game I'll literally cry😡😡, ALSO!

THANK YOU FOR 1k READS! You guys are so kind and inspire me to keep writing! But, enough sappy stuff, the story!🙃💞______________________________________

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THANK YOU FOR 1k READS! You guys are so kind and inspire me to keep writing! But, enough sappy stuff, the story!🙃💞

Makoto POV

I was smiling widely as the nighttime announcement played, I would be staying the night in Togami's room. I was excited but nervous, staying the night with your crush would naturally be nerve inducing. I was talking too Fujisaki in the laundry room when I herd the announcement playing, I bid my goodbyes too Fujisaki and headed too Togami's room. I was almost there until I herd footsteps behind me, when I turned around I saw no one. I started walking again, I was maybe just hearing things I continued walking, until I herd the steps behind me again. I quickly turned around to see who was behind me, but nothing was there.

"H-hey! I know your following me! So show yourself!" I yelled out trying to sound intimidating, but failed during the process. Then the culprit peaked their head from the corner.

"Fukawa? Why are you following me?" I asked.

"B-because! I-I wanted to talk to you!" Fukawa exclaimed walking up to me.

"Well, what about then?" I questioned.

"Y-you were..." Fukawa started. "Holding hands with master Togami!" She yelled hysterically.

"W-what are you talking about?!" I said in a panic. How did she see us doing that? I thought we were properly covering this up!

"D-don't lie to me! You think I'm s-stupid or something!" She yelled back at me. "Y-you two aren't a thing! R-right?!" She shouted.

"No no! That's not it!" I tried to reassure her. "W-wait... Master Togami? And how did you know we were holding hands... were you following us or something?" I questioned the writer.

"I wasn't following y-you stupid! I was following Master!" She drooled.

"Wait... d-do you have a crush on Togami?" I asked, my heart sank at the thought of Fukawa being with Togami.

"Me and Master are m-made for eachother!" She exclaimed while drooling. "S-so stay away from him! Y-you hear me?" Fukawa shouted hysterically, she tried to sound intimidating but failed miserably.

"Um, sure Fukawa..." I agreed, only for her sake. I didn't want her freaking out anymore. "Well I should be going back to my room now..." I said motioning over to my dorm.

"R-right! Well, good night Neagi..." she said walking into her dorm room.

"Good night!" I awkwardly smiled, she then walked into her dorm room. As soon as she closed the door I waited a moment, than scurried over to Togami's dorm. I knocked on the door and Togami let me in.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now