✨🌸Stone cold waltz🌸✨

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So, I'm gonna start to try putting songs that remind me of Togami and Neagi's relationship as the cover of the chapters. So this one remind me of it! Because wholesome and fluffy stuff song❤️🥰

Song: Goodie Bag by Still Woozy

Now story time!!!

Makoto POV

"Hey, Neagi are you okay?" Togami asked while grabbing my hand. We were reading in they library, but I was still stunned from the previous class trial. I didn't know Celestia had it in her to pull something like that.

"Huh? Ohh, yea I'm okay." I lied

"What's really wrong Neagi." Togami persisted looking up from the book he was reading

"I just can't wrap my head around that 3 more of us are now gone..." I trailed off I couldn't face Togami, I didn't want him to see me like this. But, he already could tell I was close to breaking down.

"Hey, it's okay. It just happened, It's okay to be upset." Togami comforted menwhile getting up from his seat to hug me.

"I-I know I just... should be stronger..." I whisper while hugging Togami back. A few tears slipped from my eyes, I couldn't help but feel weak and vulnerable in this situation.

"It's getting late, We should head to sleep." Togami suggested while letting go of me, he wiped my tears with his right hand and cupped my cheek.

"You're right, I'm tired." I agreed, that trial was really mentally draining anyways.

We headed back as the nighttime announcement played and Togami insisted on staying the night in my room to make sure I was alright, he didn't want me to be sad and alone for the night. Togami cuddled me to sleep me, telling me that nothing would happen to us during the killing game. He was telling me this stuff to make me feel better but, I could tell he was also scared of what could happen. Togami would never admit to being worried about the killing game, since he obviously shows his confidence about anything he does. And since he has another person to worry about now, and I do to.

  I was in a classroom, an empty classroom by the looks of it, it was clean and like any other classroom at Hope's peak. When I turned around I saw Monokuma in front of a black board... I was in detention? Is that a crusher...?  Then my desk started moving out of no where and a crusher behind me started going off, is this how I die? Why am i here? Did I finally break and harm one of my friends? I started to hyperventilate as I get closer and closer, Monokuma cackling in the background as I get closer to being crushed. I could feel myself sweating buckets as I got closer, feeling myself turn blue as I got close. But, I didn't feel like crying weirdly. I was right under the crusher machine I accepted death at that point, until I looked up and saw above a glass window with a hysterically sobbing Togami inside banging on the window.

  I shot up from my bed as soon as I realized the expression on Togami's face. I was breathing fast and looked beside me and all around the room, Togami wasn't there... did he leave me again?

"Neagi?" Togami asked, he peaked his head out of the bathroom, he must of heard me freaking out. I felt relieved that Togami was here, but why did I have that dream? I still couldn't get the despair look on his face out of my head. But I couldn't have murdered anyone... right?

"T-Togami! I-I..." I stuttered, I probably looked like a maniac from freaking out over nothing.

"Hey, Neagi... I'm here... okay? Things will be okay." He whispered, walking over to me and taking my hands as he sat next to me. I quickly grabbed him and brought him in for a hug. He was probably confused but hugged back to comfort me. "Did you have a bad dream." He whispered. I only nodded my head, but he definitely understood. "Do you want to talk about it...?" He whispered, I shook my head no. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." He promised, and let go to face me.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now