✨🌸Stone cold redepmtion🌸✨

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Okay I need to have a talk with y'all... I just want to know, how come every time I read a Neagami fanfic, I see y'all's asses always in there. Like at first I though it was nothing, but no! You guys are evverryyywheeeree on evveryyythhhinggg. It's not like I'm mad, I'm just curious. I just want to know, why have I seen you guys everywhere 😭😭. But since you waited so patiently, here's the story.


Makoto POV

I've been laying in my bed for what feels like years, but I'm too tired to care about what's happening outside my dorm. Do to the lack of motivation, my room was a complete mess, I was a complete mess. I still couldn't feel anything or care to change. Even when Monokuma blackmailed us, even when Owada killed a friend of mine Fujisaki, I went to the trial but I didn't help as much as I did the first trail. Mostly because Togami helped cover up the murder, I didn't think he would stoop this low. I guess it's back to his evil intentions. But, I feel like Togami was putting up a facade. For people to leave him alone. It's just hard to feel as much as I used to when me and Togami were friends. Hina and Ogami bring my meals and leave them outside my door, because I'd rather stay in here than be reminded that my other friends are dead, or just hate me. They would bring me meals but, most of the time I didn't eat them because I didn't feel any need to. I didn't feel like doing anything. I kept harming myself still, that was the only thing that made me feel a little better, but I would be overcome with grief after I realize that my arms were disgusting, I was disgusting for doing that to myself. It's been like that for maybe even a week or so. Until I herd a knock at my door. I thought it was just Hina or Ogami so I yelled out.

"You can just leave the food at the door!" I shouted.

"Neagi.... it's me." I heard a familiar deep voice outside my door. I panicked about what to do, what does he want? I shakily went over to my door to open it.

"Y-yes Togami?" I say trying to put a smile on my face while peaking my head out the door.

"Are you okay?" Togami asked, for once concern in his voice. "You haven't left your room for days..." He added

"I'm doing alright" I lied. "No reason to worry!" I say with a fake smile.

"Listen, I know your lying. So... can we just please talk." The heir asked fiddling with his hands, I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous.

"You don't have too you know, I already answered anyways." I insisted.

"Please, just come to the library with me?" The heir pleaded. I was silent for a moment, I don't really have a choice, do I?

"Okay... I'll meet you there." I whispered trying to keep a smile on my face.

"Okay, I'll be waiting." He said sounding relived. I slowly closed the door and sank down to the ground again. I felt my eyes getting teary, but quickly wiped them away. I quickly took a shower, avoiding hurting my cuts and headed to the library.


"Hey..." I say while opening the library door.

"Neagi!" He said getting up from his chair and walking towards me. He examines me and gave me a sad smile, he took his hands and examined my face. "Have you not been getting enough sleep?" He asked while rubbing my eye bags, I noticed he was wearing the bracelet I made for him again.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" I say taking his hands off my face.

"I just... wanted to know if your doing okay, you've been in your room for days you know..." he asked taking a few steps back.

✨🌸Dissolving the Ice Barrier Around your Stone Cold Heart 🌸✨|Byakuya x Makoto|Where stories live. Discover now