chapter 12

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"Hold up, am I straight?" Lee did a slow turn in front of me then looked down with uncertainty pooling in his eyes.

"You look fine as hell. Don't stress, baby, they're gonna love you." I gave Lee a quick kiss and pushed the door to my childhood home open.

The colonial home is just as I left it last break. I led Lee inside of the house and aromas of Southern cooking filled my nose. My mother is definitely showing out for Lee.

"Damn, mama, you didn't tell me you had it like this." Lee sat our bags down then inspected everything he could without roaming too far from me.

I waved him off with a laugh and began to look around.

"Mom?" I called out, shortly after, the quick patter of flats echoed through the foyer.

"Bug, you're home first!" My mother pulled me into a tight squeeze and her mild scent of cinnamon and sugar surrounded me.

I held her back with just as much intensity. Even though I've been in college for a while, it's still a little hard being away from my family. My mom and I would get mani-pedis every other weekend, then get ice cream and talk. We can't do that as often anymore, FaceTime calls have to suffice.

No matter how long I have to adapt, I'll always miss my mom.

"I missed you so much, bug, I- Lee!" My mother let me go and quickly shuffled to Lee and gave him a tight hug too.

They've had several FaceTime conversations.

"Hey, mama Ashe."

"I've been waiting for you, come, come." My mother led Lee to the dining room and I blindly followed.

Wow. She just forgot all about me.

"I'm so excited, Zola's never brought anyone for me to embarrass her in front of." Lee laughed with my mom and I shook my head, sitting next to him.

She came back with 3 pieces of pound cake and a photobook with my name printed on it, I sighed and let my head fall into my hands.

"Oh, before we start, your father and I decided to let you two have to pool house over the break." I clapped a little in my seat and smiled.

The pool house is my favorite part of the house. My father had it installed when I was 17, he saw how enthusiastic I was about it and allowed me to decorate the whole thing. When I lived at home, I spent a lot of my time there.

"Thank you, again, for having me, Ashe."

"It's our pleasure, Lee."

I smiled at the two. Getting along with my family is a big relationship need for me and the fact that Lee does it without me having to request it is more than I could have asked for.

"Now, let's start with her birth pictures." Lee leaned in to get a better view of the book and cooed at the baby photos.

After an hour of my mom leading Lee through my life in pictures, the doorbell rang. I sprung from my seat and subtly jogged to the door.

I looked through the window and squealed.

"Lanie!" I opened the door and jumped into my sister's open arms.

"Bear!" We held each other while giggling nonsense before letting each other go.

"You look so good!" I primped my sister's curly poof and watched her pose, busting into a fit of laughter after.

"Me? Look at you, you have the 'new relationship glow.'" I couldn't help the subtly blush creeping on my face, I shook my head at her and went to hug Rome, Elaine's fiance.

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