chapter 31

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Classes began a few days ago.  Falling into a familiar schedule has been nice, but it's the only nice thing happening nowadays.

Slowly, but surely, everyone in our friend group found out about Vaughn and Daya's infidelity and the baby.  Reactions varied. 

Lee and Bentley feel horrible, they couldn't believe Vaughn and Daya would do that to Elon and don't bother hiding their frustration with them.  The two are always with Elon and try their hardest to lift the broken man's spirits.

Rhett sympathizes with Elon and acknowledges the pain Vaughn and Daya have caused, but he doesn't want to turn his back on anyone.  He still sees Vaughn as a brother and has welcomed a platonic love for Daya.  Rhett is the only one, other than me, who holds steady communication with Vaughn and Daya.

Lennox's reaction was the worst.  Lennox's parents filed for a divorce after 10 years of marriage because Lennox's father cheated multiple times.  To this day, Lennox has yet to forgive her father for tearing their family apart and causing her so much childhood trauma.  Due to this, Lennox hates cheating and cheaters.

Once Lennox found out about everything, she was incredibly pissed at everyone.  She went off on me for my reaction, she says I was too soft and should have cussed the pair out. I don't agree, but I understand. Lennox went off on Daya for cheating and "having the nerve to get pregnant after," then she went off on Vaughn for being a terrible brother and "having the nerve to potentially get his brother's girlfriend pregnant."

Since then, Lennox has yet to speak to Daya or Vaughn.

On top of all this, I have to worry about Ryan and Brynn, who have been too quiet lately, and Penn.  My family is extremely close to finding the maniac, Nas says I can expect an exact location before the end of next month.

Lennox is still the only one who knows anything about one of the biggest stressors in my life and I feel horrible every time I wake up and remember I'm keeping this away from Lee and Daya.

The state of my life right now is too hard to explain and gives me a headache any time I attempt to think about it.

I walked out of the classroom and scanned the packed parking lot for Lee's familiar face.  I noticed the beautiful man leaning against his truck with his phone pressed against his ear and I smiled, beginning to jog to him.

Lee never leaves campus without me, he never lets me go anywhere alone or unprepared.  He's still really tight about my safety and doesn't plan on letting up.

I wrapped my arms around his warm torso and smiled, Lee acknowledged me by wrapping his arm around me and kissing the top of my head.  I stood there and relaxed in Lee's embrace, it feels like we don't get to do this as often anymore.

Between school, work, trying to salvage what's left of our friend group, and other responsibilities, Lee and I don't have enough time to spend with each other.

Lee sighed into his phone and shook his head.

"I know they hurt you, man, but there's still a chance that the baby's yours.  Please think about coming, I don't want you regretting anything."

I frowned and leaned into Lee's chest, he must be talking to Elon.

Today is Daya's first official doctor's appointment. Lennox and I are coming for support, even though Vaughn is supposed to be in attendance. Elon, on the other hand, hasn't returned any of Daya's calls.

We try to make sure we're not pressuring Elon or making him do anything he's not emotionally prepared for, but, like it or not, that baby is going to come regardless of feelings and isn't going to wait for anyone to get on board.

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