chapter 25

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I looked down and tried to fight the salty tears threatening to spill.

"Aye, don't do that, mama." Lee lifted my head and kissed my forehead, pulling me into another warm hug.

My month off is coming to an end and it's time for me to go back to Philadelphia, unfortunately, Lee isn't coming with me. He's going to Canada to help Healani with work, he's due to spend a few weeks there.

"What did I say?"

"You'll be back soon." I muttered it into his chest and hugged him a little tighter.


"You'll get me one of those Toronto sweatshirts and a keychain." Lee nodded and pulled away, lifting my face to make sure it's bare of tears.

"Don't cry, I'll call you every night and text you all the time," Lee held my hand and kissed the back of it, "Make sure you're with someone 25/8, get enough sleep and don't stay home alone."

I rolled my eyes and ended it with a small smile.

"I'm not a baby, Lee."

"You're my baby." I laughed with him and hugged him one more time before my flight was called.

I've never spent a long period of time away from Lee, the thought of not having him around for weeks is saddening. I don't even want to imagine it, but I'm about to live the grim thought.

"I love you, Lee."

"I love you more, mama. Be safe." I nodded and finally pulled away.

I waved at Lee and pouted, stepping away without him.

"Look at you speakin' cowboy again. You've been in Texas with the horses and country music too long." Lennox mimicked a poor country accent and I couldn't help the embarrassed laugh I let out.

"Leave us alone, we love our horses moderately."

"Y'all play those yeehaw banjo songs too much, though." She put the car in park and grinned.

Lennox made it back to Philadelphia a week ago, she doesn't like spending a lot of time with her family so she never stays in Fresno too long. She picked me up from the airport, now we're going to Bentley's to get my furbaby.

I've really missed Scampi, having him again will make up for Lee's temporary absence in a way.

"Stop playing, Lennox, you know you've never heard me bumping Blake Shelton." I got out of the car and pulled her to Bentley's door, knocking twice.

A gorgeous, older woman with deep cocoa skin answered the door, she's the epitome of pure beauty. The woman's hair is made of dark, short-cut curls, her cheekbones are heavily defined, and she's at least a foot taller than me. She has a certain sophisticated aura, but it's not intimidating.

When her dark eyes met mine with a flicker of delight in them, I felt warm and secure inside.

"You must be Zola, it's nice to finally meet you, dear, I've heard nothing but good things from Healani."

She looked between me and Lennox and grinned.

"My apologies, I'm Azalea, Bentley's mother." Azalea held her hand out and I took it, she then did the same to Lennox, further introducing herself.

"The beautiful poodle is yours, correct?" Lennox and I followed Azalea into Bentley's familiar home, I nodded and Azalea smiled, offering two cups of lukewarm tea.

"He's so well-behaved and calm. Every pet Bentley's had managed to be the absolute devil." We all laughed together, enjoying the flavored tea.

Lennox and I talked and joked with Azalea for a few minutes, we learned that she's an international aid worker and Bentley's father is a pilot, and she's originally from Australia, but spent most of her life in the states.

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