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i've been obsessed with this video so now you get to watch it
anyways enjoy the video & story:)

I woke up the next morning and immediately call Sky for her assistance. Luckily she answers almost instantly. "Hello?" I hear her say over the phone.

"Hey hi brad gave me his phone number last night and i don't know if i should text him first or if i should wait for him to text me." I say in a panic.

"Hmm i would text him first." She says.

"But won't that look desperate?" I overthink.

"You right. Maybe wait a little bit and if he doesn't text you just send him a simple hey?"

"okay okay sounds go-" I hear my phone ding signalling i got a text and i see that it's from brad. Holding back my scream was the most difficult task ever.

Hey charlie, it's brad. I'm glad we finally got to meet yesterday! i enjoyed myself xx

i read through his text about a million times before asking sky what i should say. I really don't want to mess this up. "He just texted me saying 'hey charlie it's brad. i'm glad we finally got to meet yesterday! i enjoyed myself' and then he put DOUBLE KISSES!" I whisper scream into the phone.

"CHARLIE HE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!" I hear her scream.

I squeal before saying, "What should i say?! I don't want to scare him away!" I pause, thinking. "Should i say: 'Heyy brad, i'm glad we met too. You seem like a cool guy'?"

"No not the cool guy part because that's pretty much friend-zoning him. Only put one 'y' on they hey and instead of the cool guy part put 'i hope we can get to know each other better;)'" Skylar advises me. "But don't forget the winky face. The wink is necessary in these situations." I hurry and type it out, hesitating to press send but eventually do. 

"Oh my gosh i'm so scared skylar. Why does he even like me? I mean i'm just.....well, me!"

"Nah sis you're a gorgeous queen. You deserve a guy like this." I hear her smile. I see the text bubbles pop up, showing that brad is replying.

we definitely should. Maybe you can come with me to parties now?

if you can convince my dad to let me go

what if we don't have to convince your dad?


well what have you been doing in the past? sneaking out right? I can even come get you and help. I'm an expert at sneaking out.

oh brad you naughty boy. But yeah sounds like a plan. When's the next one? Friday right?

Yeah and i can come pick you up

thanks! let's hope my dad doesn't kill you

yeah let's hope. I kinda like being alive

We text for a bit longer as i tell everything that brad's saying to sky over the phone. "Get your ass over here now." i tell her laughing. She needs to be in my presence for me to fully freak out, especially since brad and i are still texting. Not even ten minutes later, she walks into my room, grabbing my phone out of my hands so she can read all the texts herself.

"Well i think it's fate." She smiles. "I saw you two talking at the party and you're meant for each other in my opinion."

"I barely know anything about the guy so let's not get ahead of ourselves. He's just a crush."

"mmm whatever helps you sleep at night babe." She says and i roll my eyes. "I know you well enough to know that you're smitten."

"Okay well maybe but I'm not gonna act upon it right now. I don't want to rush things."

"Yeah yeah, I get that." She says and we spill tea for a little bit longer before we go grab food like we always do and head back to my room to watch some Netflix as per usual.

hey babess

hope you enjoyed it!

I'm asking myself how tf this story is already #69(heh) in bradsimpson out of 2.3k stories and #96 in connorball out of 2.4k stories?? high key proud of myself

also this chapter is literally me and my friends whenever we have boy tea. We overthink every small detail and emojis definitely say a lot 

well its nearly 3 am for me rn so time for me to head off to bed

-Madi x

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