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warning: very cliche😂but idec

It's been a couple of months since Brad and I broke up and even though we still saw each other when I would hang out with the band, I missed him like crazy. We were friends right now because Brad was willing to give me space and time I needed. 

We were all sitting in the living room watching a movie at mine and sky's place when James, Tristan, Connor, and Sky sat up and paused the movie. "What happened?" I ask.

"We're going out to eat and you two," Tristan gestures to brad and me, "can't come."

"Why?" Brad asks.

"We'll bring you back food!" Connor yells as the four of them run out the door.

"Uhh...thank you?" I say, slightly laughing.

"Well if they're gonna leave us, we can watch the movie without them," Brad says, turning the movie back on. We watch the movie for about twenty minutes until I decide I'm hungry and I go make popcorn.

"What's wrong?" I hear brad say. 

"Oh, nothing I just wanted popcorn." I grab the popcorn and put it in the microwave to cook. All I have to do is find a bowl. I look everywhere in the kitchen and finally find the bowls in the very top cabinet above the fridge.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." I sigh. Why do I have to be so short and sky so tall?

"What happened?" Brad apparently heard me.

"Don't worry about it." I stare at the bowls for a couple more seconds before turning around to get a chair but I run into brad's chest. He reaches up and grabs a bowl for me and sets in on the counter behind me.

"oh uh...sorry," I say quietly as I look up and get lost in his beautiful brown eyes.

"It's okay." He smiles slightly and starts to back away but something comes over me and I grab his face and slam my lips on his. At first, he's surprised but then he melts into it. After a couple of moments, I break the kiss.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I-"

"Nope, I'm not done yet." He says and pulls me back into the kiss. I haven't realized how much I've missed his taste and the feel of his lips on mine. 

"I missed you so much." He mumbles into my mouth and I hum in agreement. He backs me against the counter and lifts me up so I'm sitting on it, never breaking the kiss. I swear he's like a drug that I can't get enough of. We kiss until we hear the front door open and we jump apart. I keep sitting on the counter but Brad moves to the kitchen table and we start talking like nothing happened.

"Hey guys, we're back! Anything exciting happened while we were gone?"

"Nope, we just watched the movie and talked for a bit," Brad says and technically it wasn't a lie.

"I don't believe you," Tris says, coming into the kitchen.

"Well you should," Brad says.

"Why don't you believe us?" I ask, curiously.

"Because if you watched the movie and talked for a little the movie probably would've been finished by now and the popcorn has been in there for a while and also brad has lipstick on his lips and yours is smeared," Tristan smirks and takes the popcorn out and starts eating it.

"Nice going, sherlock." Brad throws a piece of popcorn at Tristan's face and walks out.

"So I'm guessing things are good now?" Tris asks, all serious now.

"Yeah, we're good." I smile.

"Well if he ever hurts you again I won't be afraid to dropkick him." He says and I laugh.

"Alright, sounds good." I smile and walk back into the living room where everyone else is. I sit down by Brad and he wraps an arm around me as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Alright so catch us up on the movie. what'd we miss?" James asks and we tell them everything that happened in the twenty minutes we watched it before resuming the movie.

hey y'all I'm backkkkkkk

also, let's just pretend brad is tall in this😂

sorry its literally taken a month to update but I kinda had writer's block for the umpteenth time oops

but I have a swim meet today which is fun but also a little stressful but it's ✨fine✨

anyways I hope you enjoyed the cheesiness and I hope ur glad they got back together

love you guys


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