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it took me all day to think of the littlest things for this chapter. i was banging my head against the wall, trying to find cute movies to watch(lol), looking at prompts and looking up ways to cure writers block so i apologize if this isn't good.

Today i actually decide to be productive and exercise. I put on a sports bra and matching leggings before slipping into my running shoes and head out the door. I run for about an hour or two before i actually feel like i'm gonna die and head back home. When i get home i check my phone for any important notifications and of course i got a text from brad that was sent almost an hour ago.

hey do you want to come over rn?

sorry no can do bud. i feel sweaty and gross so i gotta shower and do a couple other things before i head over. I'll be over around 8 maybe.

When i get up to my bathroom, i turn the water on and strip off my clothes before hopping in. I normally take quick showers but after my workout, this shower felt extremely nice so it ended up being thirty minutes. I wrap a soft towel around my body before walking into my room to get changed into a comfy pair of leggings and a very big sweater that fell off my shoulders. I throw my hair up into a bun, not being bothered to actually look decent. I then realize that pretty much half my closet is on my bedroom floor along with books, blankets, and anything else you could imagine. It is definitely time to give it a clean. I blast disney music while i clean, which distracted me a lot by dancing but i eventually finished with my room. I check the time once again and realize its seven-thirty. I eat a quick dinner before i hop in my car and drive off to brad's. I knock on his door and he opens it with a big grin.

"Fancy seeing you here." He says sarcastically.

"Hey you too." I smile and walk in.

"So," He starts as he closes the door. "I have an idea."


"We should build a fort."

"Ooh yes please." We go on a hunt to find every blanket and pillow he owns and dump it all in front of his tv. 

"Let's get started." It took longer than expected but we finally built the fort. We made sure to build it around the tv so we can still watch movies in it if we wanted.  He brought his guitar in with him which made me excited.

"Oooh can you sing me a song?" i ask, hopeful.

"Yes, of course." He smiles. "I'm gonna sing an old one." He starts playing a song called Wild Heart. He proceeds to sing songs called shout about it and million words. I love his voice so much. He eventually sets his guitar down and i start clapping.

"I love it! Brad you're so talented." I grin.

"Thank you." He returns the smile. "Should we play games?"

"Yes!" We open up his game closet and try to decide which game to play. For a grown man who lives alone, he really shouldn't have as many games as he does but i guess that's the result of actually being a twelve year old little boy. I'm glancing over all the games when my eye catches one and i pull it down with a laugh.

"You own headbanz?" I ask amused.

"Yes let's play it! I've also got battleship." He smiles and we head back to the fort. I put on disney music and i officially feel like a little kid as i sit in a fort playing headbanz while listening to the frozen 2 soundtrack. We soon finish that game and move onto battleship which takes us longer to play. By the time we end the game, it's nearly ten at night and we're both starting to get tired. 

"Should we put the games away so we can watch a movie?" He asks and i agree so we do exactly that. He turns on Beauty and The Beast and there's one moment when he catches me admiring his features and leans in to kiss me, which we both smile into. The kiss leaves me wondering what exactly are brad and i?

The next morning i wake up with brads arm draped around me, pulling me close. I didn't even realize we fell asleep last night. I see that the tv is still on so, trying not to wake brad, i grab the remote and turn it off. I check my phone for the time and see about twenty text messages and calls from my dad.

"Shit shit shit shit." I say and climb out of the fort, waking brad up.

"What's wrong?" He says croakily.

"We fell asleep and my dad spammed me with calls and texts." I panic. I hurry and grab my stuff before heading out.

"Hurry and get home and let me know if something happens okay?" Brad asks and i nod. 

"Thanks brad. Last night was fun." I smile and give him a goodbye kiss, which surprised him, before i head home. I walked inside and barely had time to breathe before my dad bombarded me with questions.

"Where were you?"

"I was at a friends." Technically, i'm not lying.

"What friend? I called Skylar and Noah and both of them didn't know where you were!" He exclaims.

"His name is Brad." I finally admit.

"You were with a boy?" He asks, completely appalled. "And you spent the night?"

"Dad, i'm nineteen. I'm pretty much an adult now and dating and talking to boys is part of life. You can't expect me to just sit holed up in here forever and be single for the rest of my life. I know you don't want me to get my heartbroken but i can handle it. Plus, i really like Brad. We haven't made it official or anything but i want to." I finally tell him. "Me spending the night wasn't like that. We hung out yesterday and we built a fort and played games and watched tv and we didn't realize we fell asleep."

"How long have you been talking to this Brad?" 

"About two months." i tell him and his eyes almost pop out of his head.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" His voice raises.

"No because i knew you'd react like this." I raise my voice slightly and right at that moment my mum walks through the door with bags of groceries. I look at her for help. 

"What's going on?" She asks, worried.

"He found out about Brad." I say and her eyes widen a bit.

"you knew about brad?" My dad yells.

"Yes because she knew i wouldn't react like the way you are. I've been trying to get you to be okay with her talking to boys but you wouldn't listen. Tom i know you want a son-in-law and to be a grandfather but how is that going to happen if you never let her date boys?" My mum asks and my dad stays quiet.

"Dad, Brad is a good guy." i tell him but he just walks away from us. I roll my eyes and walk into my room and plop down onto my bed with a groan. I pull out my phone to call brad and he answers after the first ring.

"Hey is everything okay?" He asks.

"He knows." 

"About me?" 

"Yep." I answer, popping the 'p'.

"How'd he take the news?"

"He yelled." I say. "A lot."

"I would offer to come over and comfort you but i think that'd make things so much worse." He says. 

"And he probably won't let me even leave the house right now." I sigh.

"I'm sorry char."

"Yeah it's fine. Hopefully he'll accept it soon enough."

wOOO!! finally got over my writers block for this chapter but i'll probably have it for the next rip me.

how are you guys? 

i hope everyone is staying safe and indoors

love you all💕💖


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