06 | Polis

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I struggled to get away from the grounder holding me. The grounders had kidnapped us and taken us to Polis. The first time I went, I wanted to experience everything, but obviously things don't always go according to plan. The grounders had gagged Octavia and I and tied our hands behind our backs. I looked to my left to see Clarke, her eyes wide.

"Octavia? Aiden?" She whispered in shock.

Semet began speaking in Trigedasleng to the commander while on one knee. He stood before speaking again. "I liek Semet kom Trikru. En ai come seeking justice."

The commander spoke, also in Trigedasleng. "Explain yourself. Why do yu hold Okteivia en Aiden kom Skaikru gon honon?"

She's asking why Semet's holding Octavia and I prisoner.

Semet looked at us as he spoke. "Emo're honon gon wor, Heda-- brought hir kom bear the crimes gone their kru."

They're prisoners of war, commander-- brought here to bear the crimes of their people.

I watched as Clarke stepped forward, speaking. "What crimes?" She asked before turning to the commander. "What happened."

"Skaikru attacked their village," a man said. He was bald and standing beside Lexa. "Because their warriors were lost when your people massacred the army we had sent to protect you, their village was defenseless."

I scoffed speaking, but my voice was muffled from the gag. "Defenseless my ass."

"Beja, Heda," Semet said, looking at Lexa. "Ai beg yu. Avenge osir."

Please, commander. I beg you. Avenge us.

"Jus drein jus daun!" A grounder shouted. Blood must have blood.

"Wamplei kom Skaikru!" Another grounder shouted. Death to Skaikru.

The man beside Lexa shouted, interrupting them. He told them they will show respect in this chamber.


"Today I call upon the armies of the 12 clans to march upon Arkadia," the commander spoke. She had taken Clarke and a man, whom I've learned is named Titus and spoke with them. My heart fell slightly as I exchanged a quick look with Octavia. The grounders began chanting but soon stopped when Lexa continued. "Not to attack, but to contain. We will blockade the 13th clan. We will keep them from the lands they wish to possess. We will give them time to take out their leaders from within." I listened intently as Lexa spoke. "Once they rise up against them, then we will welcome them back as one of us."

The grounders whispered amongst themselves. I raised an eyebrow as Lexa looked at Titus.

"You heard the commander," Titus spoke. "Send riders. Tell your armies to set up a buffer zone around Arkadia. Five miles should be enough to keep them away from our villages. What are their orders, Heda?"

The commander was silent for a moment, looking at Clarke before looking at the crowd, speaking. "Any Skaikru caught across the line will be subject to a kill order."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Semet stepped forward, speaking. "Heda, I do not understand. How is this vengeance?"

Lexa shook her head. "It is not vengeance, my brother. It is justice."

"Skaikru killed my sons," Semet shouted, angrily. "And my brother and my wife. If the spirit of the commander will not protect us, then what will?"

"You mind yourself, Semet," Titus warned calmly.

Semet turned before shouting. "Wamplei kom the Heda!" Death to the commander.

He spun around, taking out a knife, his eyes on Lexa. People shouted in surprise as Semet ran at Lexa. As she dodged out of the way, Titus stopped Semet by grabbing Semet's arm and cutting him multiple times, finally throwing the final blow by shoving the knife into Semet's neck. Titus let the body fall to the ground after he removed the knife. Multiple grounders dropped to their knees next to Semet's body. I stared at Titus in shock as the man turned to the commander, speaking quietly. "Blood must have blood."


I followed Clarke and Octavia into a room. Lexa had commanded to have our wrists freed and the gags taken from our mouths. The doors closed behind us as I looked around the room. It's much nicer than what I'm used to.

"No wonder you wanted to stay," Octavia mumbled as she looked around.

I watched as Clarke took her jacket off as she spoke. "Stop. You know why I'm here. Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, fine," Octavia answered.

"Nothing a little sleep can't fix," I said, crossing my arms. I leaned against a small table as Octavia sat on the opposite side of the room and Clarke sat in the large bed in the corner.

"I saw Indra in the crowd," Octavia added, looking at Clarke. "Why wasn't she with Lexa?"

"Indra's not doing so well, Octavia," the blonde girl answered. "We can't deal with that right now."

Octavia stood, walking toward Clarke. "Okay, so what do we do?"

"I have to talk to Lexa."

I raised an eyebrow. "You just did that and came out with a kill order in all of us. That's the second time that she left us all to die."

Clarke stood from the bed, walking forward. "The 12 clans want a war. You know that. Lexa's just trying not to wipe us out."

"Why am I not surprised that you're still defending her?" Octavia spat.

"I'll see what I can do," Clarke said quietly. "Stay here."

I pursed my lips as Clarke brushed past Octavia, walking out of the room. As soon as the door closed, Octavia spun around. "Yeah, right."

I let out an annoyed sigh. "Octavia. Octavia, wait--"

I decided to just let her go.


I sat in the room as Clarke looked over the balcony. My head snapped to the door when I heard it open, revealing Octavia, who closed it behind her.

"She told you you can stay, didn't she?" Octavia asked. "What did you say?"

"Nothing," Clarke answered quietly, not looking at the girl.

I licked my lips as I spoke up. "Clarke, we both know Pike won't obey the blockade. We need to stop him before more of our people get killed."

"What if I can do more for them by just staying here?" Clarke asked.

"You can't, Clarke," Octavia said, raising her voice slightly in frustration. "We don't have time for this." Clarke didn't say anything as her gaze went to the floor. I watched as Octavia grabbed her hands, causing the blonde girl to look at her. "Look," Octavia said. "We need you. The kill order goes into effect at dawn. You have an hour to say your good-byes." Clarke nodded slightly as Octavia began walking away. After a few feet, she stopped, and turned, looking at Clarke. "If you're not there, you're not the person I thought you were."

I stood, looking at my sister. "Please, come back home, Clarke."

I didn't say anything else as I walked out of the room.


Octavia and I waited, but Clarke didn't show. I pursed my lips at the disappointed look on Octavia's face. We walked through Polis when I heard Indra's voice.

"Octavia kom Skaikru," the woman said.

Both Octavia and I stopped and turned to look at her as she walked toward us, her right arm in a sling. Octavia met her halfway, grasping each other's arms, as grounders do. They nodded at each other before walking. I followed beside Octavia.


Hey guys. It's been a few days. Jk, it's only been like 1. Sorry, this chapter is a bit boring. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

I don't have much to say so I guess I'll see you in the next one.


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