Chapter One

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I'm not lonely... 

Nobody really is, when you're born with soulmates.

When you turn 18 your soulmates name appears on you're wrist and I was turning Eighteen tomorrow. Of course, my soulmate is Yuki we were made for each other. "Satoooo," Yuki said kissing my neck to get my attention. I blinked and looked at him "What," I responded. "I was talking about how we should move in together after high school," Yuki said. "Sounds good to me," I said smiling at him. I'm glad he's my soulmate. "By the way tomorrow after school you are coming over and we can have birthday sex," he said. "Whatever you say Yuki," I said smiling.

"I love you," he said kissing all over my face.

I giggled "I love you too," I said. "Now get home and feed that dog of yours," he said. I smiled and got up picking up my bag. "Night," I said. "Night," he responded. I smiled and left his placed heading to my apartment. It was weird leaving after hanging out with Yuki, my place was always quiet and I just wanted to stay with him. I can't wait till we move in together. I took off my shoes and set my bag down as I filled the dog bowl up "Eat up girl," I said happily. I let her eat as I went and took a steamy shower. I got into my pajamas and laid down falling asleep peacefully. I love my life sometimes.


I woke up to the sun shining through my window onto my bed. I squinted a bit and slowly sat up in bed. This was it I was officially 18 years old and time to see Yuki's name on my wrist. I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my wrist. I felt my whole world stop.

Who the yell is Ritsuka Uenoyama?!

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