Chapter Nine

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I looked around at my locker at my school. "Hey Itaya," I said seeing the male walk by. He stopped and looked back "What's up?" he said. "Have you seen Uenoyama?" I asked. "His sister texted me saying he got sick this morning so he's on bed rest," Itaya said. "Ooh, okay thank you," I said. Itaya nodded and kept walking. I walked down to the office. "I just got sick my name is Sato Mafuyu," I said. "Okay sweetie get well," she said. I nodded and walked outside. I made my way down to Uenoyama's house. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I stood there rocking back and forth on my feet. The door opened and I got excited until I saw Uenoyama's sister opened the door. "Oh Mafuyu hello, what can I do for you?" she said. "Hi Yayoi, is Uenoyama here?" I asked. "Oh yeah he's not feeling well he's in his room," she said. "C-Can I see him?" I asked. "Sure just be careful he has a fever," she said. I smiled and walked in. I took my shoes off and set my bag down and walked down to Uenoyama's room. I slowly opened the door. There was only one lamp on in his room as I could see him sleeping on his bed. He had a trash can on the floor next to him and on his bedside table an empty cup and a pill bottle. I smiled a bit and walked over. I sat next to him and put my hand on his forehead. Definitely a fever. I grabbed the cup and walked out into the kitchen. "Do you guys have any sprite?" I asked. "Fridge," Yayoi responded. I could tell she was working on school stuff so I wasn't going to bother her that much. I opened the fridge and grabbed a can of sprite. I opened the cold can and poured it into the cup. I threw the can away and walked back to his room.

"Hey..." I said softly as I walked in. Uenoyama was just then sitting up in bed. "Hey what are you doing here?" he asked. "If I'm you're soulmate I should know what I'm dealing with when your sick," I said. "You didn't have to do that," he said. "Too late," I said setting the cup down. "Do you really stick with me because I'm your soulmate?" he asked. "Of course not, your an amazing guy, smart, handsome, talented," I said. I saw a smile appear on his back. "What?" I asked. "sorry I've never gotten compliments a lot," he said. "Well, I didn't lie," I said and smiled at him. "Hey, Uenoyama..." I said my voice a bit shaky. "Yeah?" he asked. "D-do do you think that when you feel better we can go to the music venue to see some performances?" I asked. "Like a date?" he asked. "W-w-well it doesn't have to be," I said stumbling on my words. "Totally a date," he said. I smiled as he reached over. I handed him his cup of sprite as he drank some. I helped him put the cup back. "So what hurts?" I asked. "Everything," he said laying back down. "I'll let you sleep you need rest," I said. "Thanks again Mafuyu," he said closing his eyes. 

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