Chapter Seven

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It's been about a month before I started learning guitar. Uenoyama and I worked during lunch hours and sometimes I would see him at work and work during his breaks. It was obvious he overworked himself a lot but it wasn't my place to say.

 Yuki and Hiiragi and the others stopped talking to me since we broke up. It was just me now. I started to hang around Uenoyama a lot more. He had two close friends named Itaya and Ueki he hung out with. There was always a girl around him or watching us from afar. "Is that you're girlfriend?" I asked pointing to the girl. "Kasai? God no she's one of my friends," Uenoyama said. "She's had a crush on Ritsuka here since the first year of high school," Itaya added. "C-Crush?" I asked. "Why don't you just reject her?" Ueki asked. "Because I'll feel bad, she's my friend it's not my fault I don't have feelings for her," Uenoyama said. "Ouchhh," Itaya said sarcastically.

 I looked up using Hiiragi looking at me with Yuki next to him. It took all of me not to stare at them. I looked back down at my food. "Ue are you grabbing another water?" Itaya asked as Uenoyama stood up. "Yeah what do you want?" he asked. "Coke," Itaya said. Uenoyama nodded and walked off. "Mafuyu you okay you suddenly got quiet," Ueki asked. "Yeah I'm fine I just-" I started. I looked up seeing Hiiragi and Yuki gone. Oh no... I know Hiiragi. "I-I'll is right back," I said getting up. 

"Hiiragi this is unnecessary stop" I heard Yuki say. I ran and turned the corner. Hiiragi had Uenoyama pushed up against the vending machine. Uenoyama's nose was bleeding. "Hiiragi!" I yelled. All three of them looked over at me. "Sato..." Yuki said. "Oh did I hurt your boyfriend?" Hiiragi said as he banged Uenoyama's head against the machine. I walked over and yanked Hiiragi off Uenoyama. "Why don't you mind your business," I said. Hiiragi was about to say something when I felt my hand go across his hard. "Let's go!" Yuki said grabbing Hiiragi's arm. "You will pay for this Sato!" he yelled getting pulled away.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking back at Uenoyama. "Yeah," he said. "Here," I said grabbing a napkin and tilted his head back. I wiped the blood away "Thanks," he said as he held the napkin at his nose as we walked back. "Dude, what the hell happened to you?" Itaya said. "I got jumped," Uenoyama responded as he handed Itaya his coke. I looked at Uenoyama as he looked at his friends. Was he really okay?

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