Chapter Five

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I watched until I couldn't see Yuki anymore. I felt sad, yeah but I knew it was coming, he wasn't my soulmate. I just stood frozen there. I've never been one to show emotions people say I'm just a shell that there's nothing in me. Maybe there are right. My life is over... I felt my hair start to get wet as it began to rain. I didn't move though. I'm broken...

I felt the water stop making me snap out of my trance I was in. "This is how you get sick," I voice spoke. I looked over making eye contact with the same blue-eyed boy from the music store. Uenoyama. "I didn't know it was gonna rain..." I mumbled. "Here you can take my umbrella I'll just put the hood up on my jacket," he said handing me his umbrella that was covering me from the rain. He was already drenched. "Do you live far?" he asked. I gave him a small nod. "You can stay at my place tonight then it's already late," he said. I would feel bad if I rejected him. Besides, it's just staying over. "Okay..." I said. He smiled as we walked together pretty close so we both didn't get wet from the rain. I glanced over at his wrist which was covered by his jacket sleeve. "How old are you?" I asked. Maybe he wasn't 18 yet. "19," he responded. So he has had my name on him for a year already? He didn't even try to find who I am. I guess it's hard to find someone who doesn't want to be found. "What about you?" he asked. "Just turned 18 today," I said. "Oh, well Happy birthday," he said as we arrived at a house. The house wasn't too big or too small and looked pretty well kept. Uenoyama took keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. We both walked in and took off our shoes. He set the umbrella down closed. "You're home finally," a voice said. I slightly older girl walked into view. She had almost a similar face to Uenoyama's. "I told you I had a concert tonight," he said. The girl looked over at me then back to Uenoyama. "Whatever tomorrow after school after you get off work can you pick me up some magazines," she said. "Again? It's weird enough the guy thinks I'm buying magazines with guys on them for myself," Uenoyama said. "I can make you buy my tampons," she said. "Magazines it is," he said and walked. I followed him back to what assumed was his room. He set down his guitar case leaning it against the wall. He walked over and kicked wonder his bed. He used his foot and slid out another mattress that was a wonder his bed. Must be for when friends are over. "There you go, The bathrooms across the hall if you need it," he said. "Thank you Uenoyama," I said. 

He looked over at me, "How did you know my name?" he asked. "It's on your mailbox and I saw you at work earlier," I said. "Right record boy sorry," he said. "What about you what's you're name?" he asked. "Mafuyu," I spoke. I saw his body tense up. Now he knew... 

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