Chapter Ten

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I looked at myself in the mirror. Do I look okay? Why am I freaking out so much I've been on dozens of dates with Yuki. I made sure my jacket looked straight. "I should head there," I said to myself. I pet my dog and headed out. I walked downtown to the music venue building. "Hey," I heard Uenoyama's voice say. I smiled a bit as he walked up to me. "You look nice," he said smiling. I felt my face heat up. "You look good too," he said. He smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked in. The music was playing already when we walked in. "What do you want?" he asked me. "Dr. Pepper," I said. He nodded and walked off to get sodas. I felt myself have a big smile on my face. Uenoyama walked back over to me and handed me a can of Dr. Pepper. "Thanks," I said smiling at him.

We watched some live music and talked for the remainder of the night. Before he walked me back to my apartment. "Thanks, I had fun tonight," I said smiling at him. "Yeah me too we should do that more often," he replied. It was Saturday so there was again no school. "Can I come over tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure it would just be us Yayoi is going out for a party," he said. "That's fine," I said. "See you then," he said. I smiled and watched him walk off. Just us...

Just us... 

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