Chapter Thirteen

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Graduation was getting closer and closer as the days went by. If you went back to the beginning and asked me what I think my life would be like right now. One word.


I still missed Yuki of course. Even if we aren't in a relationship we aren't even friends. Hiiragi said that Yuki couldn't look at me anymore without wanting to do stuff. But I'm happy. Uenoyama makes me happy, really happy. I would've never guessed my life would have changed lie it did. New friends, New boyfriend, new me... But when we think about life after high school I get a sick feeling. What if Uenoyama and I don't make it outside of school What if we choose different universities far from each other. I never talked to Uenoyama about life after college. I don't even know if he is even going to college. 

I sat on the stairs where we usually ate for lunch. It took a moment before the doors opened Uenoyama walking through. "Sorry Ueki had to talk to me about stuff," he said walking up the stairs and sat next to me. "About what?" I asked looking at him. "Graduation plans he wanted us all to go hang out together one last time," Uenoyama said. So he talked to Itaya and Ueki about after graduation. Why not me? "Can we talk about what happens after graduation?" I asked. "We can after school at your place, okay?" he said. I looked at him and gave a nod. He was definitely stalling on telling me about it. No matter what we have to figure it out. And, we will at my apartment. 

I set my bag down as we entered my apartment. "I always forget your place is so quiet," Uenoyama said with a small laugh. "Yours isn't too bad, you just think Yayoi is annoying," I said. "Hey in my defense she's my sister. And I do miss her when she goes back to the college campus," he said. "Did uhm you guys fight or stuff when she first left?" I asked. "I was in junior high I didn't understand why she was leaving so I mean I was upset. But she always came back," Uenoyama said. Always came back... "What about you getting ready to leave?" I asked. Maybe, I could get him to say where he's going without directly asking him. "I mean it's not like I'm going to another country I'll always come back this place is my hometown," he said. I nodded and fidgeted with my hands. "Ask it if you want to know," Uenoyama spoke. I looked up at him meeting his gaze. "Where are you going?" I asked quietly. "Tokyo University of the Arts," he spoke. "So you are sticking with playing guitar?" I asked smiling a bit. It's nice to know he isn't going to stop because High school is over. "Kinda but I'm going to the school to become a composer," Uenoyama said. "What about you?" he asked. "I didn't think about it I want to do something with vocal music and media," I said with a shrug. I guess I was so busy thinking and worrying about where Uenoyama was going I never thought about where I would be going. Uenoyama nodded "Well hey Tokyo of the Arts has a major in both those, we can be roomies," he said smiling brightly at me. 

that's when it clicked. What I want for my future. To be able to do music and be with Uenoyama. 

"Yes. I'll do it," I said with a nod excitedly. 

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