Chapter 9

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"That boy is being spoiled by his mama." Mr. Roland complains.

"I keep telling her he needs to learn some damn responsibility. How is he ever gonna grow up?" He continues and I hope to God Luther comes out soon.

I pretend to be busy so I don't actually have to acknowledge this conversation.

"Here you are Reggie." Luther enters after several pleas to the universe.

I close the hood and walk to the scrap table to get the coffee that's probably cold as ice by now.

"Thanks again Luther. I'm sorry it was so last minute. It's just th-"

"That boy." Luther finishes and I chuckle quietly from behind him.

"It wouldn't hurt attempting to be interested in what they have to say sometimes." Luther says and turns to wave at Reggie as he reverses out the garage.

I see a car pull up on the side at the same time.

"I'm just the mechanic Luther. You're the boss man." I shrug and turn to walk inside.

"Where are you going? Your goonies just pulled up."

"I need to refill." I say, lifting my mug.

"You better get your damn feet off my table." Luther's voice carries to the kitchen and I know he's talking to Eddie.

"The table you speak of is on its last legs, literally." Eddie's voice gets louder as I enter the lounge.

"And you wanna help it along!" Luther growls kicking his boots at the same time I pull my jacket from behind Eddie which causes to fall on the carpet below.

"Assholes." Eddie grunts.

Marc reaches his hand to help him up but I see the smirk on his face and when Eddie reaches for his hand Marc pulls away sending him on his ass again, making Luther double over in laughter.

"You guys think you're so funny, don't you?" He glares at us as he gets up from the floor.

"Yeah." Marc laughs in response.

"I'll just go ahead and makes some new friends that aren't dickheads like you two." Eddie threatens for the hundredth time since I've known him.

"You always say this shit but who would willingly hang out with you?" Luther remarks.

Eddie's glare turns to a smirk and he looks me dead in my eyes.

"I don't know..." He chuckles dryly.

"Maybe two pretty girls who just moved into town." He reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone.

I glare at him in confusion because he knows better to play around like this so I'm a little lost as to what the fuck he's really talking about.

"Maybe I'll ask them to uninvite you two to their little party." He holds his phone up to my face to show me a text message and the name on top catches my attention.

Sunny Sun with a fucking sun emoticon right next to it. I snatched his phone from him and read that she sent him an address.

"Why the fuck do y-"

"She said she'd let us know their address two days in advance and guess what today is?"

"How the fuc-"

"At Dolton grocery store on Sunday it was her friend actually that mentioned that we were invited to a party." Eddie points between him and Marc, "that you never told us about."

"Oh that lovely girl?" Luther asks.

"No." I say, throwing Eddie's phone back at him and he catches it.

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