Chapter 11

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I wouldn't say I'm anxiously waiting for my two friends to walk in but they sure are making a 'be there in ten' last way fucking longer than ten.

I continue throwing punches at the bag in front of me to distract from waiting for them.

I haven't seen the dickheads since two days ago when they helped me train for a fight and I know that they were at Sunniva's party last night.

I feel kinda shitty that I missed it but the logical part of my brain thinks it's a good thing since I'm actively making an effort to stay away from the redhead.

I decided to stay home because the night before the party I had a fight and accumulated too many visible bruisers to avoid questioning and I'd rather not scare the shit out of Sunniva and her friends.

"It's just pizza man. I'll buy you another fucking box after we're done." I hear Marc's voice behind me.

"It's not about the pizza," I stop and turn to see Marc pinching the bridge of his nose, "it's the principle." Eddie finishes and he's so serious I can't help but laugh.

"Of course you two wouldn't get it." He complains and moves to the bench.

He drops his bag in front of his feet and I hear a clinking sound as it hits the cement flooring.

"I swear it was one slice." Marc explains to me.

"What are you alerting the authorities?" Marc teases Eddie who he taps away on his phone.

"No." He scrunches his face up childishly. " I'm just telling Sunny I'll be there after..." he trails off.

What the fuck?

Normally I'd think he was screwing with me but his face doesn't hold a trace of humor and it's when I look up at Marc's nervous expression that my blood runs cold.

"Did something happen last night?" My voice is low and calm. Much calmer than I feel inside.

"No." Eddie scoffs, "Are you serious? You think that I would do that to you?" He gets up and I can tell he's pissed.

His words leave me confused. I don't care. I shouldn't care about her life beyond the vow I made about keeping her out of sight. Anything else she does in the dark has absolutely nothing to do with me! It shouldn't fucking matter! It...

"Doesn't matter." I shrug, ripping the tape from my hands.

"Oh give it a rest, Leo." Eddie rolls his eyes and steps closer.

"It does matter because obviously there's history there but I swear on my life I wouldn't go anywhere near your shady fucking past." He says and I chuckle at the last words.

I turn around to get more tape from my bag across the floor but his next words hold me in place.

"I'm definitely not the guy you need to be worried about trying to get some Sun."

I turn to find the evil grin on his face and then I look to Marc who's eyes go wide.

"Not me." He holds his hands up.

"His name is Mato I think but she likes to call him Mr Smith." Eddie's voice deepens at end, laying it on thick.

"They even have little inside jokes that made me feel little left out." He pouts like the immature dick he is.

He's fucking with me.

"She said he teaches at the school. Didn't say what subject though I'm guessing it's anatomy because he sure was studying Sunny's body like she's part of the curriculum."

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