Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry for being so heavy." She laughs and reaches for the jug of water on our table to fill a glass.

"Looks like Sunny is trying to get wasted tonight." She remarks and I follow her eyes to where Sunny and her date are sitting across the room.

She swallows her glass of champagne in one swoop and I see her trying to signal the servers in search of more.

"How do you know Sunny?" I ask.

"She drops off Lucy's lunches sometimes and we're both a part of this food drive program she encouraged me to sign up for." Dione explains still eyeing the redhead with a smile on her face, "She's great."

"And how do you know Urkel?" At my words her head whips to me and she scowls viscously.

"Shut your face." she spits and rolls her eyes.

"Ronald's a lawyer here at the firm." She explains, eyeing him from across the room.

"So why'd you not ask him to be your date tonight?"

"I don't know." she sighs in thought, "I guess I just think good people deserve good people and when Lucy told me she's setting them up I guess it just made sense. You know?"

"Yeah." I sigh this time looking at Sunny who looks back at me then dodges my gaze by continuing to converse with her table, "I know."

"You should go talk to her." Didi insists and I turn back at her and frown.

"You should go talk to him." I counter.

"You know what? Maybe I should. I look great and you're no fun and I'm trying to get some tonight so..." she ends her mini pep talk by standing up and sauntering toward Sunny's table.

I see Sunny's date looking awfully uncomfortable watching Didi approach him and when she shamelessly moves someone's cutlery aside to sit on the table in front of him he looks ready to shit himself.

Sunny waves up at Didi looking clueless and a little tipsy. They talk amongst each other for a short while before Sunny waves them off as they leave the table. Her date follows Didi like he's in a trance and she wink at me while sauntering out of the hall.

Sunniva is left with an elderly couple at her table and she smiles at them while finishing off her fourth glass of champagne in ten minutes.

From the corner of my eye I see some lanky fuck zeroing in on her and getting up from his table. I watch him approach her table and sit down next to her.

She's really shy so she's just smiling uncomfortably and the expression on her face has me up on my feet in seconds.

"Sunny huh? I'm-"

"Nobody." I say, standing behind his seat and he looks up at me in confusion, "Why are you still here? Move." I point behind me and the dick follows my finger before getting up quickly.

My eyes follow him until he's back in his seat and then I sit down next to the ginger haired girl.

"You need to work on your manners, Leo." She says and blinks slower than usual.

"Yeah? Well you need to work on your alcohol tolerance." I remove the full glass from her hands and down it.

"Hey!" she giggles lighting up the room.

"You have to get me another one." She demands and reaches for the empty glass in my hand, tipping it over as if to check if it is in fact empty.

"No, no more." I shake my head and she frowns at my words.

"But it tastes like pink." She complains and she looks so sad I'd think we weren't actually talking about champagne.

"Fine," I cave, "one more." I lift my finger up in indication and she nods enthusiastically.

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