Chapter 31

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I stand under the running water for a few moments after Leo gets out of the shower.

"Sunny?" His voice calls from outside.

I'm not going to tell him that I don't want him to go. I made a promise to be less attached this year and even though it was a promise to Lucy I'm including Leo as well. I don't want to scare him away but I just feel like somehow this entire thing has gotten so much deeper for me. I haven't shared my body with anyone before and I now feel I've bonded with him through these acts.

I've thought about it for the past week. That first time I asked him to touch me I wasn't nervous the way I thought I'd be because I trusted him just like I did the time in my Mom's kitchen when we kissed for the first time. I'm not a guarded person but I've never instantly trusted someone the way I do Leo. I have yet to figure out what that means.

"Sunniva?" He calls again. This time opening the curtain, "You okay?"

"Thirsty." I reply.

"It's the steam." He says, reaching to close the faucet, "Come on." He disappears behind the curtain again.

He watches me silently as I get dressed and fix my hair in the mirror.

"Would you like some tea?" I ask.

He eyes me incredulously before chuckling lightly, "Yes."

He pulls at my bright tights making fun of it and I swat his hand away ignoring his teases. He's a lot less intense now and seems to have grown more comfortable around me.

"Lucy and I were supposed to watch the Day 1 reunion special last night but we sort of got sidetracked."

"You mean drunk?" He teases.

"No, that was Ella." I say as we enter the kitchen, "You don't mind watching it with us do you?"

He shrugs in response.

"Sunsun please ask your mammoth to reach for the coffee beans on the top shelf, I can't find the stool." Lucy speaks, not even looking at Leo.

Looking up at him I see his face deadpan and he blinks slowly before walking off toward the living room.

Lucy scoffs at his reaction.

"You have to ask for things nicely Lucy and you can't insult people." I shake my head at her and reach into a cabinet below the bassinet to retrieve the footstool.

I hold it out for Lucy who rolls her eyes at me and grabs it from my hands.

"I said please." She mumbles under her breath.

When I place the teacups on the counter I glance over my shoulder and see Leo sitting on the sofa.

"How big is he by the way?" Lucy speaks and the teacup slips from my hand and clatters against the counter.

Leo looks over his shoulder, startled by the sound and I try my best to not look awkward when I smile at him.

He frowns at me before turning back around.

"So if we're talking inches... How many-"

"Lucy." I interrupt, "I am not going to answer that. Now go apologize for being mean and I'll bring your coffee when I'm done." I demand and she rolls her eyes and drags her feet, walking towards the living room.

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