Chapter 34

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"A little late aren't we?" Luther comments when I enter the garage.

I ignore him and reach for the board.

"And a little rude as well." He continues and I hear him drop keys on the table.

"Mr Jones, same problem as always." He tells me as I read it on the paper.

"I'm convinced he does this shit purposely." I groan, reaching for the toolbox besides the green truck.

"I don't mind it. Easier money than getting beat up for a living."

"I'm not trying to hear this shit today, old man." I warn, opening up the hood.

"Well you know I'm always gonna tell it. One of these days you'll end up brain-dead."

"You'll probably be there with me if you let another patch into this fucking shop." I retort.

"I told you already I didn't know he was one of 'em gang members. He looked like a desperate kid who needed help fixing up his bike" He repeats his words from a few days ago.

I wave him off because my head is starting to ache.

"It doesn't do you any good to get shit-faced after taking a beating like that. What happened anyway? You haven't looked this bad in years." The old man continues to badger.

"Nothing. Jesus, Luther get lost."

"Listen to me you son of a bitch!" I sigh, rolling my eyes and reluctantly turn toward him, "You will respect me in my damn house! And you will not come in here all hungover with your moody teenage angst. You're not a kid anymore!" I can tell he's pissed because his nostrils are flaring.

"I'm not hungover." I speak up.

Even when I was seventeen years old and very recognizably the brother of Lan Woo, Luther never gave a fuck. I could've gotten him murdered if I wanted to but he still hammered on at me about leaving the toilet seat up or not hanging my coat on the rack. I forget sometimes how little he fears me. Linda was the one who allowed me to earn a couple bucks here at the shop. I guess she wasn't that scared either.

"Coulda fooled me." He scoffs.

"I didn't go drinking after the fight."

"Then where did you go."

"Sunniva." I confess.

His frown ceases and his eye go wide with surprise. "Oh that sweet girl again?"

"Yes." I roll my eyes annoyed with his excitement.

"I like her. Keep her." He comments.

"She's not a dog." I scoff reaching for my wrench, "And she's not mine."

"What? She not pretty enough for you?" He starts up again.

Luther has never been interested in my love life and I wish he would stay that way.

"No, she's fine." I shrug.

She's beautiful

"So if she's sweet as a honey bee and the prettiest thing under the sun what's the issue? Unless she already has a fella. I wouldn't be surprised if the guys were lining up outside her doorstep." I try to block him out as much as possible while I continue doing the work he pays me for.

"Fine don't tell me." He grumbles and I hear his feet shuffle towards the door, "I can tell she likes you though." he smiles when I turn to face him.

"That day you guys were talking in the shop I could see it in her eyes. You'd be a damn fool to not run head first into that." He shrugs after what he thought was a mind-blowing speech and walks off.

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