Chapter 18

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Sophias POV

The whole weekend had passed and it was currently Sunday night. I had spent most of my time worrying about Serena. She still wouldn't return any of my calls or texts and my mind was going crazy. I wanted to know she was okay, that her brother was okay. Even though I was fighting it, I couldn't help but be a little angry that she just completely left me hanging like this. I knew she had a lot going on but a simple text would have been nice.

I really didn't understand her sometimes, our relationship was just so complicated. One day we're at each other's throats, then we make up and suddenly we're right back where we started. It was exhausting trying to keep up with her but I was in too deep to back out now. 

I turned my TV off and looked over at the spot on the couch we sat on Friday night when everything seemed simpler. That moment was perfect, no distractions, no fighting, just us. I couldn't help but wonder when the next one of those would be. 

I got up and made my way to my bedroom before crawling into my silk sheets. Tomorrow would be an interesting day for sure. 


Monday morning came and my alarm clock blared waking me from my sleep. "Ughh" I groaned as I dragged myself out of my bed and to my bathroom to wash the sleep off my face. When I finished showering I slipped into a black pencil skirt tucking a light pink blazer into it. I slipped on some white heels, grabbed my coffee, and was out the door. 

When I made it to my classroom It was exactly 7 so I still had some time before students would be arriving. I set my bag down on the desk when I heard a knock on my door. I furrowed my brow in confusion having no idea who it could be. 

I walked over opening the door, "Hi how can I he-" my mouth dropped. 

"Hey Soph," the blonde girl said. Rachel, my ex, was standing in front of me. I hadn't spoken to her in years and here she was outside my classroom door. 

Serenas POV 

"Why are we here so early again" Carmen groaned from my front seat. I rolled my eyes at the dramatic girl.

"It's 20 minutes early Carmen and I told you I have something to take care of"

She smirked, "right, you mean you need to talk to your little girlfriend" 

I just hit her arm playfully. She was right I was here to talk to Sophia. After my exhausting weekend, I had planned on calling her last night but decided I should just talk to her in person. 

I spent all of Saturday and most of Sunday at the hospital with Jax, thankfully he was going to be fine just a little sore for a few weeks. I felt bad for ignoring Sophia and knew I needed to explain myself. As much as I tried to fight it, I had feelings for her and after the whole Jax incident, it made me realize how short life is. We never know what's going to happen and although it scared the shit out of me, I think I'm ready to tell her. I mean I don't want a whole relationship or anything, at least not right now, but I want her to know how much she means to me. 

As I made my way down the hallway and to her room the nerves in the pit of my stomach were growing. 

"Here goes nothing," I said opening her door, although I wish I hadn't.

Pinned against the wall was one Sophia Ryan as she aggressively made out with some blonde chick. She must have heard the door open because her eyes shot to mine and she shoved the blonde girl away from her.

"What was that fo-" the mystery girl said as she turned seeing me standing there, "Oh" was all she said. 

My eyes were locked on Sophias and her expression held nothing but guilt. 

"Sorry I was just leaving," the blonde lady said as she wiped lipstick off her jaw. 

My eyes went between the stranger and Sophia, I let out a sarcastic laugh, "Don't bother, sorry for interrupting" I said before storming out of the class. 

"Serena!" I heard her call out but I kept walking. 

"Serena wait it's not what you think!" she grabbed my wrist when we reached the parking lot and turned me so I was facing her. My expression held so much anger but deep down I was hurt. 

"Save it Ms.Ryan I don't need your bull shit excuses" there was a tear rolling down her cheek and she looked crushed.

"Please Serena just let me explain" she pleaded as I turned towards my car again. 

"Why don't you do us both a favor and stay the fuck away from me" I shot and with that I got in my car and left as I watched her standing there in defeat. 

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