Chapter 26

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Sophias POV

School was starting back tomorrow and I still haven't talked to Serena. I had called the girl about a million times after that night but she refused to answer me. I felt like shit for pushing her into saying that about her parents but I didn't know what else to do. 

I feel like the more time we spend together the more I realize I don't know that much about her and I just needed her to give me something. Obviously, I regret that decision now but once again she was shutting me out. 

She had every right to be mad but I wish she would just talk to me, even if it was to say she didn't want to talk. At least that would be something. 

I was trying my hardest not to think about seeing her. I had no way of knowing how she was going to act towards me. If there was one thing I did know about Serena, it's that she's unpredictable so guessing what mood she would be in was a waste of time. 


Monday morning rolled around and I was absolutely dreading going to work. Part of me actually considered calling in sick but I would have to face her eventually.

My mind was racing as I walked down the familiar hallway, flicking my classroom lights on, and setting my bag on the desk. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself knowing I would be face to face with her in a short amount of time. 

It was 7:30 which is when I would usually head to the hallway and stand outside of my door but I decided to pass on that today. I remained in my desk keeping my focus on the tests I was grading in front of me. 

The room was getting a little louder as the majority of students had arrived. I held my breath as I heard a boy call out Serena's name meaning she was here. My eyes involuntarily wandered to hers as she walked in but her gaze refused to meet mine. Instead, she acted as if I wasn't even here. 

The three of them took their usual seats and I stood making my way over to the door and shutting it. I pulled out my attendance sheet marking off the names one by one. As I reached the end of the list, my thoughts were interrupted by a commotion in the back of the room. It was Serena. 

"Not everyone kisses the ground you walk on Maldonado" Serena was standing face to face with a girl named Jenny who from what I could tell, was a total bitch. Everyone knew Jenny was jealous of Serena and no one seemed to take anything she said seriously. 

"News flash Jenny, they kinda do" a boy named Kevin piped in from across the room. This earned a laugh from everyone and Serena just smirked in the girl's face. 

"Why don't you sit down sweetie I think you've embarrassed yourself enough" once again the class laughed and Jenny's face turned a light shade of red.

"Whatever....people only like you cuz you're a slut anyway" Serena turned back to the girl and if looks could kill Jenny would be dead. She reached over to Julianna's desk grabbing her coffee and bringing it over Jenny's head before grinning and dumping its contents onto the girl. Everyone gasped including me before they all erupted in cheer. 

Jenny ran out of the room and Julianna grinned at Serena, "you owe me a coffee slut"

Serena laughed and kissed her cheek causing anger to arise in me. I realized that I couldn't just let her get away with dumping coffee on someone, there needed to be some consequences. 

"Serena you have detention" I called out trying to seem nonchalant about it. 

She looked at me as if she was confused as to why I was speaking to her. 

"Nope," she said back and the whole class watched as she embarrassed me. 

"What did you say? You can't just go pouring coffee on kids" was she insane. I was her teacher right now and she knew better than to disrespect me in front of my class.

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