A Bird and An Elephant

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So, it seems Revali took a child to the Hebra Mountains, and was banished for that. That is reasonable. But they banished the child, too?

Vah Medoh is very different to Ruta. Medoh is filled with wind gusts and air puzzles while Vah Ruta is filled with water. Even the style of creation is different - Ruta has more metallic window-type things, Medoh has more pillars and Zonai-like structures. But still, this is the first time someone has shown me around their divine beast - not even Link lets anyone touch his Master Cycle - I'm very grateful. 

Revali took me around his Divine Beast, as I said before... Revali's actually really funny, I found myself laughing a lot - sometimes I wasn't even sure why. He's clumsy too, he nearly set off the Divine Beast laser. I feel like Revali has seen the troubles of time... or at least some troubles, if not about time.

I warmed up to him, and by the time we'd finished going around Vah Medoh, I asked "Would you like to see Vah Ruta?"

He smiled at me, and said "Sure." He acted like it didn't really matter, but I could tell he was excited.

We walked around Vah Ruta, and soon we weren't even talking about Ruta, we were talking about our lives.

"Everyone hated me in the village, why they acted nice when you and the others were around, I don't know." he said solemnly. 

"Really? Everyone loves me down there." I gestured to Zora's Domain. "They always need me though, the other day Sidon cut his foot on a luminous stone - it was tiny, I could barely see it - but Muzu still made me get up at 5 and heal it. It's really annoying!"

"Aww, that sucks." said Revali sympathetically. We continued to walk and talk until night fell, then we bid each other goodbye and went out separate ways.

I've never really had a friend before... sure, everyone is nice to me but they were never really my friend... is this what a friend is?

If it is, then having a friend is the most amazing feeling in the whole of Hyrule.

When Opposites Collide ~ A BOTW Mivali FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now